New Guw W/out NSX

19 August 2004
between Europe and Asia
New Guy W/out NSX

Hello everyone,
Just wanted to introduce my self, hi I am Mick. I do not own a NSX, but have the dream to one day own one. I was first introduced to the NSX around the age of 16. On a beautiful sunny day, I just exiting some curves and the straight away was in view, when in my review I see a red sports car rapidly approaching my “super sports car”, a Celica. After the red car then saw the road opening up ahead of him, and left me sitting the middle of the road. I could not believe how fast he came out of the curves and the styling of the car. Later I found out the red blur was a NSX.

10 years later I am still dreaming of owning a NSX. I am currently in the military and stationed near Honolulu, HI. The military is paying 100% tuition assistance so I am trying to finish my degree. After that I hope to obtain my commission. Then I can seriously start to look for a NSX. I guess my dream NSX would be a Silverstone metallic, black interior, of course I would settle for a black with tan interior (black is just so hard to care for) and if push came to shove, the blue is nice as well.

I currently have a 94 Prelude, 90 Celica (wife’s car, not the car mentioned above), 89 Civic SI, and 79 MGB. The MGB is more of a hassle than its worth and I am tempted to push it into the ocean. :cool:

Any questions just ask.
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Dcypher said:
The MGB is more of a hassle than its worth and I am tempted to push it into the ocean.
Welcome Mick, hope you get your wish on the NSX before too long.
I see by your description you have a genuine MGB then
Honolulu huh? There are a few of us around town :D If you can make the Import Car show this weekend my White 92 will be in the show under the PimpLux/Cloud 9 clubs in the Sonics Motorsport booth. I won't be at the show all 3 days all the time, but if you do run into the owner (Me) stop by and say Hi and we can talk about the NSX :D My 92 could be up for sale sometime after the car show unless I can suffle some finanaces. I just picked up a 93 SC400 because I need a more practical car since my son is not 11 months, but if I can keep 3 cars I will keep the NSX. If not, I guess I'll have to sell it soon :(
D'Ecosse - yes, the MG is a fun car for the island; unfortunately it seems as soon as one problem is fixed, another one magically appears.

Chris - I would love to make the car show this weekend, but I am currently in Kuwait. I know some of the Prelude guys will be there. Hopefully we can meet up before you sell it though.
Dcypher said:
Chris - I would love to make the car show this weekend, but I am currently in Kuwait. I know some of the Prelude guys will be there. Hopefully we can meet up before you sell it though.

I didn't know you were deployed Good luck and be safe. I'll post up some pics of my car at the show later
Dcypher said:
D'Ecosse - yes, the MG is a fun car for the island; unfortunately it seems as soon as one problem is fixed, another one magically appears.

Sounds like my 300zx. :mad:

Anyway, glad to have you aboard. You remind me of myself 3 years ago when I was young, eager and determined. It was NSX or nothing, baby! Here's to the day you get to drive the dream!
Re: New Guy W/out NSX

Thanks everyone.
I am at a "safe" location in Kuwait. It’s not bad here, we got a swimming pool and all the free ice cream you can shake a stick at.
Coming here is good, because you earn extra money to spend on cars. The only negative about being here is got wife and dog back home.

Everyone on NSXPrime seems nice and laid back. I remember once when I was 16 or 17, a friend and I was checking out a NSX in a parking lot. The owner comes out and tells us to step away from the car boys, it’s not for sale. I understand his concern, but he was a little hasty, in the way he said it. :rolleyes: I guess I would be concern too.
Re: New Guy W/out NSX

Dcypher said:
I remember once when I was 16 or 17, a friend and I was checking out a NSX in a parking lot. The owner comes out and tells us to step away from the car boys, it’s not for sale.

How rude. I vow to never act this way.

Anyway, welcome to the forums! My favorite color NSX is Monaco Blue.. I love that Silverstone color, too. Good luck, hopefully you get one soon!
