New Gran Turismo 5 details from GamesCom in Germany (August 18, 2009)

27 March 2000
Palos Verdes, CA
Gran Turismo 5 has been announced!

Here is the latest information on the game design:

■ models included
1,000 vehicles
170 Premium new models (full interior modeling, the interior corresponds to vehicle damage)
830 kinds of standard model (some are from Gran Turismo 4 that have been carried over to GT5) [Read: Cars we have seen in GT4 before ]

■ Courses
60 courses confirmed with 20 or more to be revealed

■ physical simulation of vehicles
Physics system simulation is brand new
Represented is full fall in vehicles [possibly rollover]
Damage representation (reproduced in full by real-time collision deformation)
faithfully reproducing the behavior of electric cars, i.e. Prius, Insight, hybrid cars and the latest Tesla model

■ Arcade Mode
Single Race
2 player battle

■ GT Mode
World Map
My Garage
Car Dealer
Tuning Shop (parts, tires)
Car Washes/Oil Change
Race Championship (Series system, point system)
License Test

■ Online
Open Lobby
Text / Voice Chat
Private rooms
Online Photo Album
Online Replay Album
YouTube replay output

■ Photo Mode
Photo Drive (Circuit)
Photo stage (Stage Photo mode only)

■ Gran Turismo TV
Video output to a PSP or PSP Go®
Progressive Download
Improved user interface
Continuous Play for videos

■ Museums
The Gran Turismo 5 Prologue version, + more information at TGS

■ Sound
Custom soundtracks (Use songs from your PS3 hard-drive)
Dolby Digital 5.1 and 7.1

■ User Interface
The Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, and the same design concept. The icons change color Able to track the movement of Cockpit Camera interface (confirmed in full 3-D. The camera can be fully manipulated and you can opt to have your head tracked by the PSEye)






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Looks all good, but when is the game released?
As soon as I learn, I will pass it along.

Gran Turismo PSP is still coming out on October 1....
Able to track the movement of Cockpit Camera interface (confirmed in full 3-D. The camera can be fully manipulated and you can opt to have your head tracked by the PSEye)

This feature has me really excited...if it works well.

And, in case you haven't heard, a new lighter, slimmer 120GB PS3 will be replacing all current PS3s at $299 in early September (the current 80GB gets marked down to $299 as of tomorrow).

And speaking of $299, Logitech recently announced the G27 at that price point.


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Just more Vapourware until they actually have a release date. In the meantime, I will be enjoying Forza3.

G27 doesn't really look any different than the G25 other than some shift lights. I wish it was compatible with xbox. :(
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Just more Vapourware until they actually have a release date. In the meantime, I will be enjoying Forza3.

G27 doesn't really look any different than the G25 other than some shift lights. I wish it was compatible with xbox. :(

correct. They really messed up this franchise with granturismo HD. HD was supposed to evolve into a full gran turismo via downloadable content. The GT team has pretty much fallen of the planet so now other racing titles have taken the spotlight. I'm sure the game will be cool when it comes out if it comes out though.
Well, I'm looking forward to it and have my G25 and VRC racing chassis ready and waiting for its release. The trick is going to be finding time to play it. And there are so many freakin great games coming out soon too. GT4, Uncharted 2 and GOW III will give me reason to use my PS3 again for something other than Bluray.
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i'm hoping my logitech force feedback wheel from when gran turismo 4 came out will work with my ps3 :redface: looking forward to the game!
word on the street is that all will be told at the tokyo gaming salon at the end of this month. that sneaky little man, kaz keeps hinting at the games arrival saying "the release date is closer than speculated" grrrr!!!

GT5 PS3 is playable with damage at GamesCom! This REALLY reinforces the rumors about the game being closer to done...

<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>
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Unfortunately, Yamauchi has confirmed that only select sets (speculation has long centered around race cars) will have the damage option...and that Porsche will definitely not be in the finished game.

And some if not all cars in PSP version even have cockpit view!

<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>

i'm hoping my logitech force feedback wheel from when gran turismo 4 came out will work with my ps3 :redface: looking forward to the game!

The wheel will work...GT series has been very good about supporting the legacy of Logitech developed force feedback wheels.
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GT5 PS3 is playable with damage at GamesCom! This REALLY reinforces the rumors about the game being closer to done...

Is there any reason that it makes more sense to NOT tell people when they game in being released? Seems pretty stupid to me. Forza 3 was announced long ago.

So what is the diff between the G25 and G37. They look almost the same.
Is there any reason that it makes more sense to NOT tell people when they game in being released?

They can't be late if they don't announce a ship date! :D

So what is the diff between the G25 and G27. They look almost the same.

G27 has four additional buttons on the wheel and LED shift indicators, but otherwise appears to be identical (note the price is the same).

As for Porsche, Yamauchi claims disappointment in that Porsche has exclusivity contracts that prevent their inclusion in GT.
Not that this was ever in doubt, but here's confirmation that NSXs and Laguna Seca will be in Gran Turismo PSP:



Not that this was ever in doubt, but here's confirmation that NSXs and Laguna Seca will be in Gran Turismo PSP:

Sure would have been nice if they had taken the resources off this psp game and put them on the real game. Maybe it would have been out already.

Not too many hardcore racers are going to care much about a handheld game IMO.
Sure would have been nice if they had taken the resources off this psp game and put them on the real game. Maybe it would have been out already.

Not too many hardcore racers are going to care much about a handheld game IMO.

from what i understand, the psp game was near completion until polyphony digital put all their resources into GT5. PD started to get into the red- monetary wise, and they hustled to get the psp game back on track. then when the economy started to pick up again, sony gave PD money to make gran turismo 5 a priority. by then, the psp game was done, so they announced it at E3.
Not too many hardcore racers are going to care much about a handheld game IMO.

Actually, I care a lot. When I was busy with work, I rarely had time to sit in front of my console, but always could find time to pull out the PSP. And I love the idea of being able to practice the circuits while I'm traveling...yeah, I've imagined playing GT PSP while flying to Germany to drive the Nurburgring! With 830 vehicles represented, it is an excellent portable reference for cars (it looks like they even included some history on the cars as was the case in earlier versions of Gran Turismo).

Incidentally, latest statements suggest Gran Turismo 5's release will be "shortly after" GT PSP...reinforcing earlier rumors that GT5 is indeed coming out this year. And there are rumors that cars you unlock in the PSP version will also unlock the same in GT5 (and perhaps vice-a-versa). Expect official GT5 announcements at the Tokyo Game Show in September.

from what i understand, the psp game was near completion until polyphony digital put all their resources into GT5.

I would be more apt to believe that Sony made PS3 a priority for Polyphony Digital when they realized how much every developer was struggling to release PS3 titles, and then re-prioritized the PSP version during a period when shockingly few PSP titles were under development (probably around the time Prologue was released on PS3)
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Actually, I care a lot. When I was busy with work, I rarely had time to sit in front of my console, but always could find time to pull out the PSP. And I love the idea of being able to practice the circuits while I'm traveling...yeah, I've imagined playing GT PSP while flying to Germany to drive the Nurburgring! With 830 vehicles represented, it is an excellent portable reference for cars (it looks like they even included some history on the cars as was the case in earlier versions of Gran Turismo).

So you are one of the few. So when you have spare time you would rather pull out your PSP and play a racing game on a tiny screen with little push buttons vs. a large screen, 10x better graphics and force feedback wheels? If you have time at home to pull out a PSP, you have time to play on a console. Now, if you are doing it at work, then fine -- but you should be working instead so you can get home and play it on the console. :biggrin:

Personally I cannot wait for GT5 to actually come out, but at this point it seems like my short sale to me.
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I am a fan of forza, however i am waiting for the next NFS, since it will be a throwback to what the original one was with the cockpit view.......

you brake you get thrown forward and the view changes, you can look left or right out your windows at your opponents while still driving straight, you get dizzy etc when crashed or spun around.

I play NFS on Sega Saturn so i am looking forward to this.