New Google toolbar w/popup blocker rocks!

10 September 2002
Story here:

Download here:

It lets you highlight search terms on web pages, and perform searches on individual sites, or google images/usenet/news/dictionary/etc. without going to Google's home page. The popup killer is da bomb!

It's only a tiny 108k add-on to IE, so it takes no memory at all. Now I can sit in the chat room all day and get no popups. :D

This is how I set mine up to avoid loss of screen real estate.


  • googlebar.jpg
    14.8 KB · Views: 336
Micro$oft is gonna be pissed!!! Why do you think IE never had support to block popups, when every other browser out there does? Cuz Micro$oft was making lots-o-money on selling popup ad space. Now Google is gonna squash that. Let's hope Micro$oft doesn't decide to squash Google. It's happened before.
doesn't work for me

I've run this Google add-on for a few days, and it doesn't get the pop-ups that attack my notebook. The pop-ups are all the same, from a company called "KillMessenger" or something like that. A company that sends pop-ups to you until you give in and pay for the service to stop the pop-ups they send. It is extortion, really. I've wiped my drive, changed all my IE and Netscape settings, installed the Google bar, and they still come. I will not pay these @ssholes for their trouble however, you can believe that.

I don't lose any sleep over this, but it can be annoying.
Autophile - Those killmessenger popups are from windows messenger service, not Internet Explorer popups. Your computer is pretty unsecure if someone can messenger service your system from outside your network. You should run a good properly configured firewall and they would not be able to do it. Failing that, you can just disable the messenger service on your computer. And thank Microsoft for writing such insecure operating system software.

It's slimy, but in a way I think it's funny that the killmessenger guys are using messenger service to harass people into paying them to disabled messenger service on their computer.
Lud said:
Autophile - Those killmessenger popups are from windows messenger service, not Internet Explorer popups.
Good point, here's the procedure to disable it from Microsoft's own web page:
  1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel (or point to Settings, and then click Control Panel).
  2. Double-click Administrative Tools.
  3. Double-click Services.
  4. Double-click Messenger.
  5. In the Startup type list, click Disabled.
  6. Click Stop, and then click OK.
    And if you still get popups, you may have some spyware installed (like from Morpheus, etc.). Here's some info from Google on it:
    Why do pop-ups sometimes appear even when the pop-up blocker is on?

    Some software, including free music-sharing programs such as BearShare or AudioGalaxy, display pop-ups at random intervals or based on something you type into a web page. You may have these programs or others like them installed on your computer without even being aware of it. You can read a brief description of how these pop-up launchers work in these articles: and,1282,49960,00.html.

    If you are experiencing pop-ups generated by one of these programs, you may want to remove the software from your computer. One program that attempts to detect and to uninstall pop-up launchers is available at Google has no relationship with the individuals who created this software and we cannot vouch for it.
I'd recommend installing and properly configuring a good firewall instead of just disabling messenger service. Simply disabling messenger service most likely still leaves your computer with numerous other security holes. It's kind of like turning up the radio so you don't hear the bad noise you car is making...
Thanks Lud and Phoen$x. I will try your suggestions tonight.

My notebook is just a home computer that has nothing on it really, so I never thought about a firewall. But for my other home computer that has confidential info, I am interested in doing this. How can I set up a firewall? Is there a "firewalls for dummies" site you could lead me to? Thanks again.

Lud is right... if you've configured MSN Msger and disable it, it still runs in the background.

Installing a hardware router is a great first step but isn't enough. Blocking MSN ports is a cow because the range of ports it uses is quite vast. :(

BTW, i use <A HREF="">Opera</A>.... and i've never had problems with popups!!! :D
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Hey, I disabled Messenger using the method Phoen$x suggested, and now I am getting no pop-ups. The pop-up blocker says it's blocked 7 so far. Very nice... Thanks guys!:D

I haven't tried to set up a firewall yet. Maybe this weekend.
Autophile said:
...I haven't tried to set up a firewall yet. Maybe this weekend.

Good call PHOEN$X. Downloaded and installed.

On firewalls, I agree with POWERED by HONDA. Zonealarms is one of the best. It's powerful, yet free (for individuals), and can be downloaded and installed in a snap.

Also, since we are on the topic of "awesome additions to your existing browser," I'd also like to highlight eBay's new addition. I forget what they call it, but it attaches as another bar to your explorer, and allows you to hop to "My eBay", "Bid Alert", "Watch Alert" and other important functions. Best part, you can set it up so that it alerts you (at an interval you specify) to when the auctions are you watching are about to end. No more missed auctions (at least if you are in the computer room).

mildly related: if you use MSN Messenger 6 Preview, check out this <A HREF="">MSN Ad-Remover</A>... beautiful... :)
Re: doesn't work for me

Autophile said:
I've run this Google add-on for a few days, and it doesn't get the pop-ups that attack my notebook.
You need to install and run an anti ad program. I have used Lavasoft's Ad-aware and it worked fine. Might amze you what has been installed on your computer without your knowing it.:eek:
google vs panicware

Can anyone compare how the Google pop-up stopper works compared to the Panicware pop-up stopper professional edition?