New game: drunk guy..

Man ... that's addictive!
88m so far - driving me nuts to break 100m
It's kinda fun to see how far you can get him leaned over & still recover him!
Hehe our crazy neighbors.

Funny also text under the game says you cant enter the pagae without playing the game ;)

Would be fun if you had to reach like 50m to enter :D
I have played that game before. It was like impossible to break 90. Even if I am perfect until like 85.... then bam.. flat on his face!
supra2nv said:
I got do I post the image?
With the screen you want to copy image of, visible on the display, press Alt + Prt Scr; then open up mspaint, edit & paste.
Use the tools on the left to cut, crop or edit however then save as a bmp or jpg file.