New from Google - Froogle!

14 April 2002
Wow - long time fan of Google for searching but they have always fallen short when you were looking for products / pricing (had to go to or the like).

I was in the advanced options for searching and found this Beta they are running for Froogle

Looks cool and worked great for me!

I have no affiliation with them (other then being an Adwords customer and a big fan).
Nice Find nick.
I can find more than a few ways to make this work for me.
Actually Froogle has been out for at least a year. Their are a lot of other hidden tools(search options) in Google. My brother works for Google and is always forwarding beta search tools that are already live but not announced. They are working on some amazing things that will be available in the future. I will try to compile as many as I can a post them here. That is, after I ask my brother if that is acceptable:)
Try This one!!!

This one is "son of Google", it's a more refined one, but been around for awhile too-