NEW CTSC - A/F Problems


Experienced Member
16 July 2005
Couple weeks ago had the new CTSC installed. Great power but after three sequential dyno sessions -- 1st just measuring and adjusting the CT fuel adjuster on the regulator and drawing o2 from the tail-pipe; 2nd installing a bung to draw o2 from the header; and 3rd measured after installation of an Apexi piggyback fuel tuner/computer -- still cannot keep A/F below 12 above 6700 rpm's.

Comptech tells us that the system is designed based on their other parts (CT header, CT exhaust, etc.) and that my setup is causing it to run lean (cat bypasses, other company parts.

Fuel pressure is good and yet not enough fuel is getting there. We are now doing 440 injectors in hopes that they help above 6700 rpm's.

Also, the thread on the neck from the body of the CTSC to the pulley is slightly moist to leaky. I am told by Comptech that this is a breather and normal for the first few miles.

Anyone have any thoughts or having a similar experience with the A/F and breather?
You may need to get an AEM if you have mods that make your car move more air than the stock programming can compensate for. On the breather: If Shad says it's's normal.
My breather spewed oil under load for quite a while. When I spoke to comptech, they said the measurement of oil via the dipstick is slightly high when the unit is mounted on the car as the unit is not quite level. So overfilling is likely. The breather just blows out oil, however mine spewed so much oil that it kept dripping onto the belt... which isn't good. Not quite sure what to do about that.
"Good" doesn't help: What are your fuel pressures (over RPM)?

You should not need the Apexi. I fought this problem for a while and it involved mucking with fuel pressures and clean injectors.

Reduce the oil in the unit to be midway on the dipstick knurling.

How do you guys get an accurate reading off of the dipstick? Time after time, the best I can get is an approximate. ie Im certain its not under, but by how much Ill never know.

The oil is invisible on it! I have to touch it to feel where it becomes dry vs oily.
The injectors were cleaned although not by RC. I am not sure what you mean by "mucking the fuel pressures". Help me understand what you mean?

Yes, my car is a 1991 (Thanks John).

I almost went the AEM root, and backed out as I intend to keep it low boost with stock driveability and no hesitation when starting.

The 440 injectors have already been ordered and the Apexi as noted is on the car. Obviously, do not want to waste money, but want to get this done.

Does anyone have Shad's new email or phone info as I understand he left comptech?

Thanks to all.
I monitored and modified the heck out of the fuel pressures.

You need to be logging the following values:
1. A/F
2. RPM
3. MAP sensor voltage
4. manifold pressure (boost/vacuum)
5. Fuel pressure

Post this information and we can help you: either as a graph or data file.

I used an system that worked nicely. I spent days driving around with my laptop.

BioBanker said:
How do you guys get an accurate reading off of the dipstick? Time after time, the best I can get is an approximate. ie Im certain its not under, but by how much Ill never know.

The oil is invisible on it! I have to touch it to feel where it becomes dry vs oily.
I get a very accurate reading on my. There are 2 dots on the dip stick, if you look at it at an angle you will see oil on one of the dots, if not add oil immediately. I use Royal Purple 20w 50 for the Supercharger oil. I am changing the Supercharger oil tomorrow, 1st supercharger oil change after installation. The oil still looks purple clean fresh off the bottle.

Where do you guys get the baster that is thin rough to fit into the oil filling hole on top of the blower? The turkey basters I have found in hardware store so far are all way over sized.
jmp said:
Does anyone have Shad's new email or phone info as I understand he left comptech?

Whoa! Shad left comptech? That doesn't sound good. Anyone have more info? I wonder if this will negatively affect Comptechs SC offering and support?
Thanks Drew for the info and for the link to Shad's info. I will be speaking to my mechanic tomorrow (who has installed about 15 CTSC's -- mine was the first of the new batch) and will speak t him about your questions.