Nev sends Holiday Greetings from the Left Coast

28 March 2002
It seems that once a Northeasterner travels above the flyover portion of the country and hits the left coast he forgets how to get back onto the Northeast forum. But, never fear, Nev and family are doing well and send their regards to all for the holidays:

Dear Folks-

Due to my repeated, yet fruitless attempts to get back onto "Prime," I write in this manner. I wish you all the Happiest of Holidays! May the upcoming year bless you with the best of health and many days of wonderful weather to enjoy our NSXs! My car is STILL in N.J., just sitting there since last January. Though, I am happy to announce that i do seew an upcoming dawn, as we have purchased a garage.....errrr, I mean a home here in Monterey. NSX will be making the trip in covered transport in one month's time or so! I cannot wait!

God Bless! Keep Well-



(P.S.- If one of you computer whizes could post this on the Prime forum, that would be wonderful!....THANKS in advance!)
Nev man I thought I was an internet putz,I still can't post pics without many hours of intense clicking.I think you need to get a computer:tongue: Btw Thanks for passing that on Bob.
Nev called me about a month ago and it was great to hear from him. Let him know I wish him a Happy Holidays:wink: