negative attention on the road

2 November 2000
Silicon Valley
How do you guys deal with drivers of "lesser" cars trying to prove themselves in front of the NSX?

This morning I was leaving a parking lot in the NSX when out of nowhere came a black Civic Si behind me. He peeled off while leaving the lot and came flying after me in a very aggressive manner.

I was just minding my own business and did not want anything to do with this guy, but he kept on tailing me and revving his typical coffee-can exhaust. He even cut a few people off just so that he can remain on my tail. He copied every lane change that I made, and even followed me onto the highway.

He had his girlfriend in the car so maybe he wanted to prove his "manhood" in front of her. Who knows why they do such things. But it sure was annoying.

How do you guys deal with these situations? I had to exercise some extreme self-discipline so that I wouldn't do anything juvenile...
<STRONG>How do you guys deal with drivers of "lesser" cars trying to prove themselves in front of the NSX?</STRONG>

I ignore them. Nothing will piss them off more than not having the chance to have their ass handed to them.

91 Black/Ivory #3012
If it's not worth the ticket, I usaually back off the throttle to the speed limit or slower to let them by. Sometimes I give them a nod or a smile, but if they're pretty obnoxious, I just look the other way as they pass.
If they continue to bother me, after I ignored them, I will beat the hell out of them and hand them some ass whoopin!!

im gunna keep a baseball bat in my car WHEN i get it!

me want NSX, me 15, me no have NSX =( but me do 3d art
Hey gang, relax. No need to get all bent out of shape. The importal words of Sun Tzu say "The best battles are the ones that are won without ever having been fought". Simply put, at the end of the day, the other guy out there will still be driving a C5 or a Civic and you will still be the proud owner of one of the finest pieces of automotive engineering around. Don't feel like you have to prove anything. Just ignore them.

Gordon G. Miller, III
2000 NSX-T #51 Yellow/Black
It is amusing how different cars elicit such strong reactions from people. Years ago, when I lived in Dallas, I bought a Ruf slant-nose 930 at a bancruptcy auction. I really don't go in for the 'boy-racer' looking cars, but I picked it up for about half the market value. Anyway, I couldn't get that thing out of the driveway without people lining up to flip me off and yell obscenties built around the phrase 'rich *sshole'. Something about it just pushed people's button's.

Later, I owned a 550 Spyder (a car that was worth several times what the 'rich *sshole' Ruf cost); but the Spyder was the happy-smile-and-wave-at-me-can-I-please-have-my-picture-taken-next-to-it-car. Go figure.
Two options, depending on the situation (at least, here in B.C.):

1. ignore them totally;

2. if they drive without care and attention, for example, tailgating you, then get their plate number and report them to the local police detachment. They will either receive a warning letter or a call from a constable. This has no legal impact but generally serves as a wake-up call to somebody being a prat.
I've gone to many import racing events and have spoken to lots of "Civic" guys. They consider the NSX the "Lord of Hondas". They're not trying to race you because they think they can beat you. On the contrary, they know you'll blow their doors in. They just want to see and hear the car of their dreams go.

By the way, David, everyone hates Porches (hehe...just kidding..... maybe).
For all the annoyance during average driving, I think Mr. dswartz hit the nail right on the head: my biggest "pests" with the NSX have been Honda and Integra folks with at least a modified exhaust.

I used to consider them a pain as they would go out of their way to get next to me, but by now I've met enough of them to realize that they just want to look / listen to the car. And they will really just gather around a parked NSX to discuss and dream.

Reminded me of a less affluent time when I too would stretch to get near a nice car to just look or listen, maybe give a thumbs to the driver, usually just to be ignored. And hey, I still lower my windows when I get close to a Ferrari, old 911sc, etc. I wonder if they think I'm a jerk trying to race them too?

So, maybe we should open an eyes to the fact that our NSX is a dream car to many, and much of the attention is simple interest / admiration and nothing more sinister.

Thinking about it, my factual pat answer for the question "Why did you trade in the Porsche?" has been "I got bored". Jeez, think about it from the average viewpoint, a guy driving a Saturn or the like - a 996 "bored" you?

Of course I'm not advocating group hugs or anything, and surely there are plenty of jerks out there. But there was an article somewhere, probably in the FAQ area, about a certain "code of conduct" for exotic car drivers...

Nah, screw 'em, this is natural selection at work!
(just kidding!)
Originally posted by rquintero:
For all the annoyance during average driving, I think Mr. dswartz hit the nail right on the head: my biggest "pests" with the NSX have been Honda and Integra folks with at least a modified exhaust.

I used to consider them a pain as they would go out of their way to get next to me, but by now I've met enough of them to realize that they just want to look / listen to the car. And they will really just gather around a parked NSX to discuss and dream.

I agree completely. My most recent encounter was with a tricked out Civic, the guys kept going side to side and behind me, finally pulling beside me and asking me to roll down my window, they asked about what year it was, etc., finally getting to, "Well, can we see what it will do?", I was rolling along in 2nd at the time I was talking to them, so for fun I just ran it out in 2nd gear and then waited for them to catch up ( I think I heard go through 3 gears trying to catch me ), when they caught up they offered up cheers and applause and it made their night. So what I first thought was a few jerks in a car wanting to race, turned out to be a couple of big fans that were hoping to catch a small glimpse of what their dream car could do.

[This message has been edited by Jonathan (edited 08 November 2000).]
Let's see now....

I would simply let the C5 doofus pull up along my driver's side, with my right hand I'd calmly roll down my window and give him a really big shit-eating grin, then with my right hand I'd gently withdraw my 44 magnum from its holster that's mounted on the side of the center console, and BOOOOOOMMMMM!!!!! to see how far a C5 coasts down the highway with a headless punk at the wheel. Problem solved.....

I do this all the time. You have any more questions?????

95 NSX-T, 5 sp, Red/Tan, Stock, except Dunlaptya SP9000s
Originally posted by NSXY:
Let's see now....

I would simply let the C5 doofus pull up along my driver's side, with my right hand I'd calmly roll down my window and give him a really big shit-eating grin, then with my right hand I'd gently withdraw my 44 magnum from its holster that's mounted on the side of the center console

You have any more questions?????

You have two right hands?

[This message has been edited by Jonathan (edited 09 November 2000).]
I've watched guys in heavily modded CRX's heading in the opposite direction pull illegal maneuvers to get alongside or behind my NSX...then follow me for several blocks. My only concern is whether these fan boys are stalking me or respecting me.

--akira3D ('00 NSX-T red/black #113)
"Reality is better than the dream..."

Do you know someone with two right hands? I keep the left hand on the wheel to maintain constant control of my vehicle, and I use the right hand to lower the window on the left and then reach reach for the canon on the right. Any more questions?

95 NSX-T, 5 sp, Red/Tan, Stock, except Dunlaptya SP9000s
I wondered why integra's and civics were always mess'in with me, guess now I know. The other crowd that seams overly restless is the 5.0 'stang crowd (but we won't discriminate just because of the model of the car). I tend to ignore them on the street, but I'm much more friendly when I'm parked and then willing to talk about my car with anyone especially another Honda owner.

By the way, is this the honda civic that's been mess'ing with all of you?

Watch out for flying coffee cans and that rear wing just might clip you!!

91 Blk/blk
About 4 years ago in a '91 NSX I had a guy that pulled behind me in an Omni GLH, we were on a four lane road and I was cruising along about 10 mph over the limit and he flew up on me to about 1/2 car length. I ignored him and just kept at the same speed, he stayed right behind me even though the other lane was open. This went on for about three miles, until I turned on to the road that had the 25mph entrance ramp to the freeway I started to speed up and he stayed right with me, I took it up to 70mph and then took the ramp. I had previously taken this ramp at 75mph so I knew I wouldn't have a problem, but he didn't even start to turn he just plowed straight ahead and took out the 25mph sign!

Even though I felt good for a while, this jerk could of been seriously hurt and ever since I haven't given in to the impulse of putting these guys in there place.
It seems to me Camaro's are the biggest offender with the Mustang running up second. For Camaro's the best defense is the phalinx system. It can shower them with a wall of led if they enter your perimeter. This way it frees up both hands so you can whip the flame thrower out an torch a couple Mustang's whilst keeping control of the steering wheel with your "single" right knee. This frees up the left knee for the grenade launcher. I usually just aim for anything that has a muffler tip bigger than the summ of their pistions squared. I would highly recomend nomex for its flame retardant properties plus a frag vest for flying debries. Of course this is the typical commute in LA so you can't learn this at Boundraunt in the middle of the boon dogs! You gotta ask yourself you fell lucky?
Originally posted by dswartz:
I've gone to many import racing events and have spoken to lots of "Civic" guys. They consider the NSX the "Lord of Hondas". They're not trying to race you because they think they can beat you. On the contrary, they know you'll blow their doors in. They just want to see and hear the car of their dreams go.


I guess there are always bad apples. I actually had a Civic Si guy talk to me while we were driving side by side, and he wanted to bet $50 that his Civic can "take" the NSX...
Originally posted by 8000RPM:
I guess there are always bad apples. I actually had a Civic Si guy talk to me while we were driving side by side, and he wanted to bet $50 that his Civic can "take" the NSX...

While most Civics are slow as hell, there are some out there that can take the NSX in straightline racing. But all Civics no matter how fast will eat shit trying to stick with a NSX through a corner.