Need some quick advice from a lawyer

23 October 2000
Saint Augustine, FL
Is there anyone here that can help me out. Specifically I need help from an Employment Lawyer.

A problem you may run into is that most employment law is specific to the state you live in, so any person that might be "qualified" may not be able to give you legal counsel without being liable for anything they lead you to do.
And from what i remember from my law classes I took awhile back, Louisiana has some really odd nuances
This is a pretty general question. Infact, I think anyone who is an HR director could help me out.
Shoot me a P.M. or email. However, as Paladin said, employment law varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Louisiana is particularly goofy because it has its roots in Napoleonic code instead of English common law. If it's a simple question I can give you a general answer, HOWEVER I make no representation as to how accurate it is in Louisiana and I suggest that you talk to a lawyer in your own jurisdiction.