Need some help with a speeding ticket...

24 January 2002
Republic of Texas
I live in Texas. Got my first ticket little over a year ago which got dismissed after I took a defensive driving class, second one just 5 months later. Just today I got my third for going 37 in a 30 (there was a big factory and a seven-eleven, some business, and an empty grass lot on the 2 sides of the road leading to a neighborhood, but not in the neighborhoodyet..). And there was a guy going like 45 right infront of me. But I think that what caught the cop's eye about me is that I forgot to put on my front license plate after I waxed my car. But anyways, it is possible for one to take defense driving course to dismiss a charge if this course of action wasn't used within the last one year. Now if I didn't get my 2nd ticket when I did, I'm sure I can take defense driving to dismiss this ticke that I got. But I was just wondering if the 2nd ticket that I got nullify the possibility of defensive driving. If not, what can I do in court? I wasn't driving a NSX, just a `96 Accord.

[This message has been edited by Zuerst (edited 03 August 2002).]