Need some Advice ..Please help guys!!

7 December 2000
I am not a owner of the Beautiful NSX ..YET!!..but am looking for one. I just wanted to ask your guys advice on getting a used NSX.

Also some info on how easy and costly getting a wrecked NSX and gettin it all fixed up. I might be able to get one. So whatever you guys can help me out in advice wise would be appreciated
Thanks in advance
The NSX is a very sophisticated piece of machinery. "Wrecked" is kind of a scary term. You could be asking for a very difficult ownership... read expensive. But then "let the buyer beware".

Your not too far from Tulsa. Cooper's Imports has a 91 Red / Black Serial # ...99. I believe they are asking $33900. You might want to take a look. I know a little history on the car. It needed a clutch when it was sold last time through auction, about six months ago but I don't know if the last owner spent any money on it.
A friend of mine rebuilt a crashed and burned NSX to an excellent standard. If you would like to hear his story, private me and I'll try to connect you two.
My opinion would be to do whatever it takes to get the newest, lowest mileage, most perfect NSX you can afford. If that means getting a 1991 with 80K miles for $30K through, so be it. I personally would not knowing buy an NSX that had been wrecked... especially body damage. I'm not sure it's less expensive to fix a wrecked one... and you never get the same car anyway (of course, that depends on how "wrecked" it was
). Buy a non-wrecked one.

2000 Yellow/Black/6-sp #172
This site has an excellent FAQ on changes by year and some things to look for when buying a used NSX.

True. Go to and, in particular, the links there for "Resources" and "Used NSX Checklist".

I agree with the warnings from others regarding buying a wrecked NSX. The only person who should do so is someone who is in the business and knows exactly what it takes to restore it properly. Not for the person who's looking to get an NSX without paying the usual price - by buying a wrecked one, you're almost guaranteed to pay way more than you were expecting, plus a lot of misery along the way.

If you can't afford the thirty-something thousand for a used NSX, don't buy one, because you won't be able to afford the cost of keeping it running, just for normal maintenance, tires, and the possibility that you might have to replace a clutch at some point.
My opinion would be to do whatever it takes to get the newest, lowest mileage, most perfect NSX you can afford. If that means getting a 1991 with 80K miles for $30K through, so be it. I personally would not knowing buy an NSX that had been wrecked... especially body damage. I'm not sure it's less expensive to buy, and then fix, a wrecked one... and you never get the same car anyway (of course, that depends on how "wrecked" it was
). Buy a non-wrecked one.

2000 Yellow/Black/6-sp #172
I live in Kansas City and am in the process of selling my NSX. The car is a 1991 Red/black with 28,000 miles. The car is mint condition and all maintenance has been performed at Acura dealerships. I am asking $35,000. If your interested let me know and we can arrange a time for you to look at it. My email is [email protected]
Don't worry, there will be one for you at that time, too. There are always some well-kept low-mileage early NSX's around.

No offense intended towards bgoodman's car - if you're interested, give him a call.
Thanks for the replies guys. I been looking around for a NSX for a Year now. And now It's not that coz I cannot afford it. I can afford $35,000 as we speak without selling my current car. I was just getting ideas/advice/opinions from everyone. As you guys who own these beautiful cars can give me a first hand opinions.

Thanks once again to all who replied and I guess the best way is just to get a low un-wrecked NSX.
Don't worry, there will be one for you at that time, too. There are always some well-kept low-mileage early NSX's around.

But not necessarily this close to home.

(Sorry, I just noticed the places where the above posters are located. Hadn't seen that when I wrote the quote above.)