Need Recommendation for Picture Editing Software

19 May 2003
I'm interested in obtaining a copy of a picture editing software package and I'm looking for recommendations. Please consider my needs before making a recommendation.

I don't need anything super fancy. I would like to do basic things like cropping photos, copying and pasting sections of one picture to another, maybe some filters or effects to clean up grainy photos, that sort of thing. I have Microsoft Paint that came with my operating system (Windows 98), but as you can see from my avatar, stuff gets very grainy when it is copied from one pic to another, and that's not acceptable. I don't need to be able to handle a lot of different formats, just your basic .jpg, .bmp, .gif, and maybe .tif and/or .eps but that's really not mandatory. I'd like something that's easy to learn and easy to use, although I have a fair amount of computer skills.

I REALLY don't want to spend a lot of money for this. If there's a shareware program I could use, that would be wonderful; otherwise, I can go out and buy one, but I don't want to spend a lot of money for it. I realize that I can get Paint Shop Pro for around a C-note but I would like to avoid spending that much, if possible. That's why I am wondering whether there's something out there that's free or less expensive. However, please don't offer to send me a copy of the media for a software product that you have purchased; I don't like the idea of using illegally bootlegged software (no offense).

Thanks in advance for any suggestions and advice you can provide.
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Photoshop Elements might be good for your needs. With rebates/sales, you may be able to pick it up for about $50. I think it generally runs around $89. It has a decent amount of the good qualities of the main Photoshop but is easier to use and a lot less expensive.

What does the "LE version" mean? When I look at eBay, it looks like most of the versions of Photoshop sell for several hundred dollars.

Photoshop Elements 2.0 lists for $99 new, sells for $59 at (of all places) (although I was hoping to find something for less than that...) sells for $40-70 on eBay. Photoshop Elements 1.0 sells for less; any idea whether version 1.0 would meet my needs?
Does anyone know if there is a version of "Gimp" available for Windows? That, I believe, would be free, and functionally near as powerful as Adobe Photoshop.

LE would be Limited Edition, something like that, essentialy it's limited functionality.

I would recommend hitting a utility site such as tucows (, choose a mirror near you) and check through the graphic apps - You should be able to find one that you like, that does what you want, and is free.

Another possibility is to get a full copy of an older version of Photoshop, but that's still a bit of $$$.

I'd suggest you try <A HREF="">Paint Shop Pro 8</A> ... it's shareware for 30 days. More simple to use than Photoshop and yet just as powerful (I use PSP for some of the images i post on here when i don't have access to Photoshop) ...and best of all you can <A HREF="">download it here</A> and start using it now.

"LE version" standard for Lite Edition as far as i'm aware. It's the same as the full Photoshop but with less filters & effects. It could be good for what you want to do, but you still have to pay for it.

<B>burbel</B> : i've used GIMP for Windows... the only thing i liked about it was the cost. The interface is too Linux-like and all over the place... :( I disliked it, but you can d/load it from the <A HREF="">GIMP Win32 project</A>
The REAL nsxtasy said:
any idea whether version 1.0 would meet my needs?

I'm still using the earlier version 1.0 and haven't felt the need to upgrade yet. That should work fine for what you are trying to do.
Paint Shop Pro Plug

Paint Shop Pro rules -- lots of power, easy to use, cheap -- what more do you need?