Need opinion for 92

26 May 2004
Temple City, CA
I just checked out this 92 for CaliNSX, posting these pictures in hoping to get some expert's opinon on this 92.


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As everyone can see, paint is not in good condition but since these photos were taken at night, so it maybe reflection of the flash or something else. CaliNSX told me that another member here is going to check out the car for him tomorrow (during day time) hopefully we can get more justified pictures/opinion on the condition of the paint. I did test drove the car, the motor still pulls very hard and smooth.

Interier looks clean for a 12 years old car. All of the lights work, except the back light of the temperature knob doesn't light up. Notice all picture are for front, back and right side only. Because we park on the side of the street I didn’t want to risk my life by spend too much time on the left side.
I'll offer up an opinion even though I'm not an expert. This car looks like it has definitely been driven for 12 years. The paint is not in good condition, the exhaust doesn't look like a good fit, seats look like they have been used for 12 years, and the car has several modifications that I personally don't care for.

That being said, if the car passes a PPI and the owner likes these particular modifications, then this car could make someone very happy. Of course the price should reflect the condition. You didn't mention mileage or snap ring, but I would assume $20-25k.
hlweyl said:
I'll offer up an opinion even though I'm not an expert. This car looks like it has definitely been driven for 12 years. The paint is not in good condition, the exhaust doesn't look like a good fit, seats look like they have been used for 12 years, and the car has several modifications that I personally don't care for.

That being said, if the car passes a PPI and the owner likes these particular modifications, then this car could make someone very happy. Of course the price should reflect the condition. You didn't mention mileage or snap ring, but I would assume $20-25k.

74K miles and yes it is in snap ring, seller claims that snap ring was fixed at 65K miles.
awful and untasteful mods for an NSX! painted interior pieces with pep boys rims are a rough combo. just my 2 cents..
Thanks for the info guys! Wind - thanks especially for checking the car out for me. Joel might check this car out in the daytime, so that might shed some more light.
CaliNSX said:
Thanks for the info guys! Wind - thanks especially for checking the car out for me. Joel might check this car out in the daytime, so that might shed some more light.

no problem, if you need any more help just give me a call or send me an email. btw did you get my voice mail regarding the DVD player and window?

good luck
Good find kjh, that has to be the same NSX. His ad on craigslist says it's not in snap ring range and told NSXwind is was in snap ring range. His ad also says paint is in "perfect" condition. Uh OK...

My favorite part of the ad is that he refers to a stock NSX as being "lame" TWICE! Them is fightin words!
Hi guys, yeah, you are right. I originally contacted the seller by his craigslist ad. I asked NSXWind to go check out the car for me. I'm a little dissappointed by the results because the ad makes it sound so good (what do you expect?!), but I'm still considering the car... Apparently, the car is in snap ring range, but the problem was fixed at Bash acura some time ago. Who knows?? I'm keeping my options open!
CaliNSX said:
Hi guys, yeah, you are right. I originally contacted the seller by his craigslist ad. I asked NSXWind to go check out the car for me. I'm a little dissappointed by the results because the ad makes it sound so good (what do you expect?!), but I'm still considering the car... Apparently, the car is in snap ring range, but the problem was fixed at Bash acura some time ago. Who knows?? I'm keeping my options open!

I can't answer the big question for you as to get this car or don't. But think about the cost to make this NSX your "dream NSX" for example, paint the bumper (for sure) or maybe even paint the whole car, adjust the position of the exhaust (or even new exhaust for your personal preference), clutch fail, new Mod.…. list goes on. Another question would be the purpose of this car, for show, street or track. Think it over before you do anything major. Again this is my personal experience on what I go through when I purchase my NSX.

good luck
if you need any more help within my area, let me know

Good luck
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I actually checked out this car as well. I drove it and I was an interested buyer. If you look at the seller, he as been trying to sell this car for a very long time. Sometime I guess in March..? I think he is/was asking too much for the car. 31999 if I am not mistaken.

Some comments.

The paint, other then the front bumper is pretty good. I didnt care too much for the white interior pieces, white paint or something I think. I think the car drives and pulls pretty good. Motor seemed pretty strong.

I alignment of the exhaust is a little off. in fact in the pictures you can see it not perfectly straight.

My last comment and Im not sure if this is correct but I thought all nsx have Vin sticker pannels on the body parts. i didnt find any vin stickers on any body part...
Were there any prvious owners on this nsx? I am about to take a look at this nsx soon.
May some of you members please fill me in if this car is well maintained and any other news I might need to know about this car?
Man now I dont feel so bad about the paint on my car. but those wheels are lah..
These wheels OOGLY?, however the new owner is selling this with 95 nsx oem wheels. Anyhow, it currently has 103k miles.

I am still curious how many owners has it gone through since this sale, and what its condition is.
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