need info: Highway 36, Houston to Abilene

26 February 2006
California Republic
Anyone know much about highway 36 between abilene and houston? I'm buying a NSX from a prime member in houston in a little over a week. I want to visit someone in abilene on my way home to colorado.

From using google maps, they say to go north from houston I-45 to dallas, then west on I-20, to abilene. It is about 407 miles and 8 hours.

However, I spied another roadway. Highway 36 that runs from Sealy, just slightly west of houston to temple, then to abilene. It is about 300 miles, and also 8 hours.

I'd rather take an easy route because I have a long drive to make and rather not any drama come up. That way seems to be the dallas way at 407 miles. The thing is, 100 miles is a BIG difference for the same time traveled. I just don't know a thing about highway 36. Is it flooded with cops? Dirt? sloooooow speed limit, (ex 45mph the whole way)? I'd REALLY love to have my nsx come home with me in one piece and in the prestine shape that it is in. I'll have an intake, exhaust, 18/19's, springs waiting for it at home.........

Oh yeah, what is the primary speed limit for I-27 between the NM border and Abilene?
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I've been on 36 a few times, but not the entire route you are seeking. If you wish a casual, yet interesting drive, this one is it. Speeds will hit 65-70 (limits that is) at times, and fall to 30 when you come into some small towns along the way. Be sure to slow to the require speeds as that is how many of the small towns pay their bills. Texas is very good about keeping up their roads, but this being a county highway leaves it up to the individual counties is passes through for upkeep. Don't expect dirt, but also don't expect smooth blacktop every mile of the way, either.


I just pretty much want to make it from houston to abilene in one piece and w/o any drama/chaos, lol. the speeds sound pretty good to me thus far.