Need immediate help

21 January 2003
Las Vegas, NV
A week ago I wrote on this forum about a guy overseas who sent me a check for my car. Well 2 days ago that check came back counterfeit and my bank (US Bank) has closed my account, sent my name to Check Systems as someone involved with check fraud, which is the company all banks use before you open a checking account, and US Bank says I will not be able to open a checking account at any bank in this country for 5 years. My entire account is frozen, I have no access to any money except for a few credit cards, my $10,000 reserve line was cancelled, and my branch manager says he cant help me and theres nothing that can be done about it. I keep calling the corporate headquarters and no one wants to help me, what should I do, none of this was even my fault. There was no way for me to know the check was not real, someone help me out before I have to take matters to the extreme.

This sounds a bit obsurd... but here's what you can do. Immediately call the FBI or Treasury service and explain the whole situation.

With a little luck, an agent will be assigned to your case and will get your assets unfrozen.
If you didn't withdraw the money - and I assume you didn't, based on that other topic - then I don't understand how they can accuse you of fraud; the fraud was perpetrated by the person who wrote the check, not you.

You might want to consult with an attorney...
Climb the ladder. A branch manager is nothing at US Bank. Find out who the US Bank corporate contact is for communication with Check Systems. Explain your situation, and ask for their position in writing. Simply go as high as you can while trying to keep a relavant link to Check Systems. If that doesn't work have an attorney write a letter to their corporate council. Not that you want to file suit, you just want attention to get the thing resolved.

Document everything you do with US Bank.
I'm shocked that this is the result of depositing that check. And, truthfully, I'm a little surprised that you deposited it in the first place, suspecting that the check was fraudulent.