Need help with value on 97 T 74K miles

20 April 2003
Greenville, SC
I asked this in another thread (and yes Forum Nazi I did read the FAQ! ;) ) but I am trying to get an idea of what a one owner 97 6 speed with 74K miles might be worth. By that, I mean a price that would be considered a very good deal, along with an acceptable price, but not a slam dunk great price. The car has new Yoko 003's, has had all service, but has these issues: T-blet/water pump will need replacement due to age. I want to take that cost into consideration. Clutch is also still the original, but I do not necessarily think this is something I could bargain on, since it is not slipping, and could go for another 10 or 20K for all I know (then again, it could grenade on the way home!)
P/S ECU update has not been done to my knowledge- I wonder if Acura might give some partial goodwill if the original owner asks to have this fixed before I buy it??-any experience here would be appreciated)
Trunk Struts need replacing (not a big deal, but to me it is a little concerning since the service manager of the selling/servicing dealer said you would not find a better car as far as condition considering the miles). Factory CD skips (not a big deal either, but I would like to knock a few hundred off to address it). The front lower bumper is scraped in 2 places right above the chin spoiler. The owners says from speed bumps, but I suspect possible parking curb stops, as I did not have a problem with speed bumps in my 98. I have an idea of what a low mileage model of this vintage would be worth, but I just do not have the experience to know how much the value is affected by the miles.
Thanks for your time!
Rough estimation at maximum price I would offer would be 40 K, considering that t-belt/h2o pump/possible clutch replacement and high miles. I would personally offer somewhere between 37-39.

However, if your willing to spend around 43-45 K, you should be able to find a much lower mileage, better condition NSX. Good luck in your hunt. I just sold my 97.
I agree that finding a lower mileage car would be nice for that price, but the color combination I like is difficult to come by. I am not a big fan of red or black (the red is just a personal thing and even if I won the lottery and bought an Enzo it would not be red, and Black is so hard to keep clean, even with a limited use vehicle, so no offense to you red and black owners!). So that leaves White, Yellow, Blue, and Silver. Of those, Blue is my favorite, but they are too hard to come by, and Yellow might be a little too boy racer for me. My 98 was white, and I really liked that color, which is also the color of this 74K model. Thanks for your input, and I would sincerely appreciate any other opinons on the value or car in general.
Shumdit said:
I agree that finding a lower mileage car would be nice for that price, but the color combination I like is difficult to come by. I am not a big fan of red or black (the red is just a personal thing and even if I won the lottery and bought an Enzo it would not be red, and Black is so hard to keep clean, even with a limited use vehicle, so no offense to you red and black owners!). So that leaves White, Yellow, Blue, and Silver. Of those, Blue is my favorite, but they are too hard to come by, and Yellow might be a little too boy racer for me. My 98 was white, and I really liked that color, which is also the color of this 74K model. Thanks for your input, and I would sincerely appreciate any other opinons on the value or car in general.

I have a blue '97 with 41k miles for sale.
Thanks for the input (and others feel free to throw in your $.02 also). I did find out today that the P/S ECU was replaced, so that is a bit of good news. I am going to see if the owner will discount the car to cover the price of the T-belt/water pump and estimated CD changer repair, and if he goes for it, I will take care of the trunk struts and clutch (whenever that is needed). I also might see if an aftermarket splitter would cover the paint where it has been scraped on the speed bumps on the nose in those 2 small spots, but that is not a deal breaker. Interestingly, the car must not have been driven too hard, as it recently had the original rear brake pads replaced, and is still on the original front brakes. Is that normal to get that kind of mileage from factory pads??
Shumdit said:
P/S ECU update has not been done to my knowledge- I wonder if Acura might give some partial goodwill if the original owner asks to have this fixed before I buy it??-any experience here would be appreciated)

I'd be glad to post the EPS letter Andy V. sent me if someone could tell me how to resize (in terms of MB, not pixels) in Photoshop.

When I inquired at Davis Acura about the EPS failure I was told that it is not a preventative maintenance item; if problems occurred with the EPS I was led to believe that it would be goodwilled.

FWIW I have found Acura to be pretty damn good at the goodwill thing. A catalytic converter was replaced last year free of charge and just last week I had an O2 sensor replaced free of charge on my 95 w/ 62,700 miles. Made me happy. :)
Thanks for the offer. Since the EPS unit was updated already I guess I will not have to worry about it. I agree Acura is good about after warranty repairs, but usually the original owner has a much better chance of getting full coverage than a subsequent owner.