Need help with: Parking lamp removal

6 July 2002
Irvine, CA
Sorry guys, but I need help with removing the front bumper parking light/turn signals.

I've gone through the FAQ's section, but didn't find it. I know that it should be simple to remove, I just didn't find the attachment screws.

Get on the ground and look up under the bumper where the parking lamp is. You will see a little hole about the size of a dime. You need a very thin phillips head screw driver to insert. The screw will not fall out as it contained within a little white housing. If the screw driver is too wide, it will not fit into the housing, thus not allowing you to loosen the screw.

This DIY should take no more than 5 minutes.
Originally posted by X-TNSIV:
I've gone through the FAQ's section, but didn't find it.

Guess you didn't do a search, or you would have found this topic...


Remember your friend, the SEARCH.

[This message has been edited by Forums Nazi (edited 16 September 2002).]