Need help with NSX in Sacramento

14 September 2004
Can anybody in the Sacramento area join me on Friday to look at an NSX for sale? If so, please respond to this post.

This will be my first NSX, so anybody who has a lot of experience or is very familiar with the early models (91-96) would be very helpful. Thanks!!

I am sure one of the locals will be available. Perhaps we can help you out if you PM the car in question in advance - we pretty much know most of the cars in town.

What time, where, can you forward me any details? I may be able to but I need more info.
Anyone hear from this guy? The closer we get the more my calendar gets filled up.

OP, please contact us ASAP, having a knowledgeable NSX'er there will make life a whole lot easier.

Thanks for the response - the time was originally going to be around noon on Friday, but it seems the seller can't meet then. I'm going to set-up a new time with him depending on his availabilty and then I'll PM you guys and put a post on this thread when I find out. Thanks again!!

hmmm i wonder who's car it could be!??!?! hehehe

Hrant knows about mine....

Hrant said:
I am sure one of the locals will be available. Perhaps we can help you out if you PM the car in question in advance - we pretty much know most of the cars in town.

May I assume that we are not going to be looking at a car today?

Not to be a complete jerk, but when you have multipule people offering time out of their workday (read: not weekend) to help you look at a car, some more timely communication should be in order. What is going on? Friday is over half over.
CaliNSX said:
Thanks for the response - the time was originally going to be around noon on Friday, but it seems the seller can't meet then. I'm going to set-up a new time with him depending on his availabilty and then I'll PM you guys and put a post on this thread when I find out. Thanks again!!


Hiroshima, Sorry for the confusion - I did post that the time had been cancelled because of an unforseen problem with the car. I'm not sure when the car will be ready at this point. I DO appreciate everyone who has offered to help, and I will follow up with you guys when the car is ready.

Again, sorry for the confusion!