Need help with my Factory Security Sytem

24 February 2002
Waterford, MI, USA
Hi Guys!

I have '91 with the factory alarm system.

Recently, after locking my car, my alarm begins to sound 15 to 20 minutes later. I checked to make sure all the doors, hoods, trunks, etc were closed, but this still occurs.

This doesn't happen every time, just often enough to make me uncomfortable about arming the system. However I also do NOT like leaving the car unlocked.

This has happened several times and in differrent locations. As far as I can tell, no intruder has been near the car when the alarm has gone off (several times were in my own driveway).

1. Any ideas what could be causing this? (again - it isn't every time. I would say about 40% of the time)

2. Which fuse do I pull (short term) so I can lock my car again?

Thanks in advance for any help. :)
You might have this problem, see the FAQs

Keyless Problems

Or see the NSX service manual in troubleshooting section 23-304 which I believe is Page 1290 in the PDF.

I've had this happen on my '91 as well, once or twice. It was by unlocking the passenger door in my case. After opening and closing the door several times it shut off. This was before I knew about the disabling switches. The estimate for the new switch from the dealer was not pretty. So far I've just lived with it and it hasn't happened again.