Need help on Tail light removal/replacement

11 November 2002
St. Louis
I understand that removing the passenger side tail light can be tricky. The FAQ section doesn't list this as a "do it yourself", so does anyone know where step by step instructions can be found preferrably with pictures to make sure I don't screw it up. Thanks.
You can find it in the "Electrical" section of the service manual. In the 1991 service manual, it's on page 23-192.

If you don't have a service manual, and you plan on working on your own car, you should get one. You can buy one here.

I got your e mail, but since I haven't done this before, it is a little hard to visualize. I thought there was a link that would give me the step by step with pictures to make it easier. Didn't realize I would need new gaskets and not sure how much they are too. I didn't know how to get the centerpieces off the smaller bolts too.

It is in the Owners manual, or the service manual? If the latter, I don't have that. How long of a job is it?

I may just have someone do it for me if I can't do it.
It took me about twenty minn.The center pice is easy four nuts and its out. Try to do it your self its a lot easyer than it looks.
The only thing you have to watch out for is scratching your paint. If you break your lens removing it who cares your installing a new one anyways. Installing it is the easy part! Good luck!
I had no problems at all. Once you get all the 8mm nuts removed, the lamp is still sitting in there pretty tight. A trick I did, was to tap lightly on the STUDS, one at a time. The idea is to not try to remove one at a time. That will cause the rest of the lamp to be put into a bind. Just take your time and tap them each once, until you notice the lamp start working its way out. Shouldnt be much of a problem for there. Good LUCK!

1992 NSX