need help hanging drywall

16 May 2001
I looked in and and both recommend hanging the boards horizontally... from the ceiling down. they don't explain why though. it would be much easier for me to mount them vertically because i will not have an extra set of hands (easier to rest the bottom on the floor). is there a big downside to this? are the joints more susceptible to cracking if i mount the boards vertically?

There are few of reasons the recommended way to do walls is to go horizontal with the sheets. First is the straight edge is against the ceiling which gets done first, this holds up the edges of the ceiling and covers the cut edges of the ceiling. Second going horizontal makes for less joints to tape. Third starting at the top puts the cut edge of the wall at the bottom were it gets covered with trim. Also the pros use longer sheets 10', 12' 14' or 16' to reduce end joints which are not tapered for easy finishing.
I've done it both ways. If you do hang it vertically, you still do not want it resting on the floor. Use a prybar and get it about 3/8" of the floor.

Like Bryan said, take advantage of the built-in tapered edges for easier finishing.
Hanging the sheets sideways also help straighten out the bows in the framed wall also.
If your lazy (and I know you are) you can rent a lift.
I used it to do my celing, and it flips on the side so you can do the top of the walls as well.
Have fun! :D