Need help from someone if New York

10 April 2010
I recently found a car, but i need to know if this place is really legit or not.

Its called Dagosto Auto

I would be willing to pay someone to look at a car there for me ( if it is real)

But please some one chime in if this is a real place.... Thanks

heres there address

816 Belmont Ave,
Brooklyn, new york 11208
that spot is about 10 min from where i grew up and about 30 from me now.

if you want, make arrangments with the guy for me to check it out saturday and i will drive over there for you. I would say earlier but it will be dark when i get there.

PM me for my cell
I don't know them personally but I have seen the shop. be careful and pm me the info and I can go and check it out for you as early as tommorow.
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Is it an NSX?

You have posted this request on the Supra and GTO forums as well.

If this is the car, the low price should be making you see red flags waving.....

They are also selling a 2009 GTR with low mileage for 20-30k below value.

They are not passing my sniff test........

I can tell you that picture is no where within 50 miles of where that address is
I can tell you that picture is no where within 50 miles of where that address is

Yup, I noticed that too. And the stickers on the windshield are not NY inspection/registration stickers.

Also, 816 Belmont Avenue shows up on a block with apartment buildings and multi-family homes.

And check out their website:

They list two yellow 2005 Vipers, different prices, different stock numbers BUT the photos used for both are of the same car.

They also list 3 stories under "Happy Customers". All were added on 10/10/10. Don't know where the first two pics were taken but there were not taken in Brooklyn.
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I grew up in Brooklyn and Arista is right on the money. There isn't a home like that anywhere to be found. It could be part of a "popular" scam in NY and on LI that these guys post these cars, know the buyers are going to show up with a couple of hundred bucks or even a few thousand to put a deposit on the car. Then rob you at gunpoint for the deposit money. Then they're on to the next one...I've got a buddy on Suffolk County PD and he says its done constantly on CL and Ebay...they're branching out to Autotrader:mad: