Need help from my NSX community for online car show votes

24 April 2000
Gilbert, AZ, United States
Hey all,

Import Face Off is coming to Tucson, AZ this weekend and I have decided not only to attend the show but to enter into the online car show. It's pretty straight forward, just vote on my entry photo if you feel its the best one in the online car show... of course you do. All you have to do is click the photo below and it will link you to the site. :biggrin:

Haha, thanks guys, I did not realize you had to sign up as a member to vote. For that I apologize. While it's free to register, it's a lot to ask of some people so no harm if it does not get done. However, if you are into the "show scene" anyway, you might as well register and vote. :biggrin:

Whooowheee!!!! 96th place and climbing.
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Voted. God luck