Need help from anyone that knows a Track Instructor

13 February 2008
Pennington, NJ
Folks must have heard that Doc John wasn't going to be at the track this year and decided to stay away. Now we really need your help!

If you instruct or know of any instructors who want to join us for NSXPO 2014 October 14, 15, 16 at Mid-Ohio please have them contact me at [email protected]. We can even use instructors that may only be there for Tuesday and Wednesday. Just 8:00-noon at the track so you won't be too tuckered. Hopefully by tomorrow we can announce something fun we'll be doing in the afternoon on Tuesday.

Hmmm maybe Doc John will decide that he can't possibly live with himself if he misses this year's HPDE event and decide to just attend the track days.

Shouldn't be too bad of drive out and back.

Just keep repeating to yourself, "Work and family are no longer important. Helping out the NSXCA is important."
lol Carla I feel honored that you called me out...honestly I wrestled with the this one but can't get the time off......that said I also need plenty of time to primp for the weekend because I'm the ring bearer.:wink:
lol Carla I feel honored that you called me out...honestly I wrestled with the this one but can't get the time off......that said I also need plenty of time to primp for the weekend because I'm the ring bearer.:wink:

You mean you don't just wake up each morning looking that way?!!!??? And I thought you were a natural beauty! Appreciate it and I get it. Hopefully there are some non-ring bearers out there that might be able to help out.

Ring bear . . .
Pooh bear

Maybe they got confused?

btw Don doesn't find my humor humor. I'm always having to tell him that they are jokes and they are funny. He insists they are not. Hopefully there are some that find my thoughtful, intelligent playful sense of humor intoxicating.
........I'm drunk as sh%t right now......:single_eye: