need help finding horn fuse

6 November 2006
I hate to sound too stupid but I can't seem to find my horn/cigarette lighter fuse. They both don't work in my '91 since I purchased it. I've looked in the driver footpanel fusebox and there are no blown fuses there.Under the hood the fusebox there reveals nothing to do with the horn or lighter, anyone out there who can point it out to me?

Thanks in advance
I don't know EXACTLY where the fuse is, but what about the fuse box in the engine compartment? They stick fuses randomly all over this car.


Horn fuse fuse is #45 under the hood. pg 23-47 in the service manual.
Horn information pg 23-239

Cigarette lighter fuse #3 under dash. pg 23-49
Cigarette lighter info pg 23-226

Maybe the horn is just unplugged at the horn and the cigarette lighter is unplugged at the cigarette lighter??? lol I mean it's just one simple wire basically that simply plugs in.
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The horns are tied in with the brake light fuse. If all your brake lights work, it's probably not the fuse.

I would guess it's the relay unless you got a broken circuit somewhere between the relay and buttons. The relay is found in the relay box under the hood along the firewall. You can try swapping one relay for the horn relay to see if it helps.

Thanks gang for the help. I discovered it wasn't the fuse nor the relay but the fact the wiring harness to the horn was broken on one end and disconnected on the other. when i connected the one horn it didn't work still so I will likely be getting the bumper cover off to either replace or repair the harness. A bigger hassle but one I want to get fixed asap.

thanks again members!