Need Help! Car won't start

19 February 2020
Hi, I woke this morning and tried starting the car but all I got was a bunch of warning lights on the dashboard. It sounded like the engine was cranking (clicking) but that's it. Now everything is black and I don't even get the warning lights when I hit the start button. It's been about two weeks since I drove it last which is usually how often I drive it. It's a 2019. Does this sound like just a dead battery? Something else? I tried jumping it but nothing happens when I push the engine start button. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Sounds like the battery took a dump.

There is a big difference (to me) between "clicking" and turning over.

Just me, but I wouldn't jump start it.

Check the battery and replace it if the voltage is low, or warranty (it is still under warranty isn't out?) claim.
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I've only had it for a little over a year and 500 miles. I guess I'll try getting a replacement battery. Is there a reason why jump starting is a bad idea? Appreciate the help.
If the battery has an internal short, jumping it will not give full power available to crank.

You can check the voltage with a DVM if you have one.

Speaking from experience, my battery did a "tits up" and the dealer gave it a "hot shot" and told me that if that did not "fix it" I was getting a new battery.

This was after I put it on a charger and it would not come up to the right voltage.

That was over two years ago and the battery hasn't failed yet.

If the battery is low, you could try doing the same (yank it and have someone give it a "hot shot") or call the dealer.

The reason why you should disconnect it, is that a "hot shot" pushes a bunch of current through the battery and that is done by raising the voltage which is not good for the other electronics that are connected and might be stressed.

Depending on where you live they will send out a service guy.
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Thanks for the advice. I am going to test the battery as you suggested and get a technician out here if need be. I didn't know the dealer would send someone out. I actually live in So Cal too so seems like a good option if all else fails. Glad it sounds like just a 12v issue. So fickle. Good to hear your battery's been fine for the past 2 years.
I'm not an owner but frequent the forums.....from my reading the guys who run the car in sport+ routinely never have battery issues...but for infrequently driven cars your issue is common...
That's really good to know. Just waiting for the pandemic to be over so I actually have somewhere to drive!
sometimes nowhere is a viable destination with the right car....
My battery gave up on my 2017 last year

Your case sounds more extreme

I was able to jump it with my mini Lithium battery gizmo

It started but still had codes and would not go into Sport+

After the new battery it was fine

I am also a proponent of driving the last 25 minutes of a trip in Sport+ to keep the 12V charged up.

Did your car sit for a while at the dealership prior to your purchase?
How did you jump it? Sometimes jumping it with a car that is not turned on doesn't work. If you used a battery pack, usually it needs at least 25% battery power to work properly.

But yeah, seems like the battery is dead. If it isn't driven much that can happen. Hence why most garage queens need to be on tenders in order to not kill the batteries.
I purchased the car in January 2020. It was a 2019 model so it probably sat at the dealership for a bit. Not great for the battery I suppose. At least now I know I have to pay more attention to the battery, ie drive in sport+ mode, trickle charger, etc. It was odd because I’ve had other cars with battery issues and you can usually tell when it’s about to give out. No warning signs on this one.

When I tried jumping it (using another car) it was completely dark so it probably my wasn’t even on. Battery seems completely dead. I just ordered a battery tester and charger on Amazon. Hopefully I can get it up and running soon.
Why not just reach out to your servicing dealership?

They may want to send roadside assistance first but if the battery is past tense, they will either have to flat bed the car to the shop or send someone with a new 12V to install, followed by a visit to the shop to test XYZ
All good advice here. The 12V battery is a known condition with the NC1 NSX- you really need to make sure to keep it charged, or it will start causing issues with the car's complicated electrical and software systems. [MENTION=4046]pbassjo[/MENTION] said it best: just get the OEM trickle charger and keep the car plugged in when not driving it. If you daily drive the car, it won't be an issue, since the regular use of the alternator will keep the battery sufficiently charged. However, if you rarely drive it, plug it in! :)
My thought is to try to figure out if the battery is just drained but not completely gone, at which point I can charge it and avoid the hassle of the dealership. But as others have said, the battery is probably not functioning anymore so a call to the dealership is the likely next step. I'm really hoping it's purely a battery issue...