need FIC base map for turbo

20 June 2007
Denver, CO
have the angus kit was wondering if anyone has a base map for it or something similar

If you know the maximum boost for your turbo, the flow rate of the stock injectors and the flow rate of your new injectors (assuming you upgraded your fuel injectors), and you have a laptop computer, then you know enough to create a base map for your car.

Go to AEM's website and download the software for the FIC:,22476.0.html

Install on your laptop and read the two PDFs included with the software. The software will automatically create a base fuel and ignition map that will at least get the car running so it can get to the dyno, based on the above data. Connect the laptop to the FIC and download the maps. It also helps if you have an OBD2 scanner that can read the fuel trims, as that can help you fine-tune the maps during normal driving (ie. non-WOT settings).

Make sure you read the instructions, especially about the part where they mention the FIC using absolute air pressure.
I made my own base map and it ran fine (a little rich) I also can get you my tuned map (with meth) but I am running meth, intercooler and 9 lbs of boost-

problem is that I may not be able to get to the files until next Monday

let me know if you want them

OK , I need to post this so that there are no misconceptions , DO NOT boost your car on someone else's fuel / timing map!!!

Unless you want to find out why your teachers always scolded you for copying others' homework (and you will find out the hard way)

EVERY car is different.

PLEASE , have your car dyno tuned before getting into boost . The NSX motor is not cheap.

Thank you,

OK , I need to post this so that there are no misconceptions , DO NOT boost your car on someone else's fuel / timing map!!!

Unless you want to find out why your teachers always scolded you for copying others' homework (and you will find out the hard way)

EVERY car is different.

PLEASE , have your car dyno tuned before getting into boost . The NSX motor is not cheap.

Thank you,



Rich re-did his base map to a 3.0 with 440cc. Just to get me into the dyno.

just letting everyone know.