Need electrical HELP!!

1 April 2002
San Francisco
I posted this a before. I am having some kind of a electrical problem with my winshield wiper control unit. All functions of the wiper works except the "QUICK WIPE/SQUIRTER" function which is activated by pulling the wiper arm towards you. When I activate this specific fuction "QUICK WIPE/SQUIRTER" the entire instrument display will dim as though it was stealing ground from all other funtions. My car has been at Don's Hilltop Service for over 2 weeks now and the following items have been checked in this order.......

1.) Checked all ground wires connecting to the wiper unit - result: ok all ground it connected and tight.

2.) Checked and replaced a Brand New ICC Intergrated Control Circuit - result: still the same, it wasn't the ICC

3.) Checked and replaced a Brand New winsheild wiper motor - result: still the same, it wasn't the winshield wiper motor.

At this point we're running out of ideas as to what the problem is. Has anyone ever encounted this before? Any other ideas or suggested solutions as side from what's been preformed will be greatly appreciated. I need help and I miss my car.
This is a general electrical diagnosis, not yet intimate with NSX specifically, however theory pretty much universal ...
you say "stealing ground from other functions" - it sounds more like the 12v is being SHORTED to ground when you operate the wash/wipe switch. It could be a shorted cable to ground on the supply side (not the ground side)to the washer pump motor (after the switch) caused by a frayed cable insulation rubbing against chassis somewhere.
More likely, it is probably the washer pump itself that is bad (presumably the wipers worked during normal operation, not squirt/wipe - which makes me wonder why they would change wiper motor???)
Can you disconnect the connection at the pump itself & see if dimming of the lights no longer happens when you engage the switch - if not, its the pump; if they still dim, its a shorted wire.
Let me look up the specific schematic & I'll update ....

[This message has been edited by D'Ecosse (edited 13 August 2002).]
Hi D'Ecosse, thanks for your response. I just talked to Don and relayed what you told me to try. Those parts that I've mentioned that I've replace has not been actually replaced. He just ordered them for me and replace the ones currently on my car to see if those actual units were causing the problem. But it seems those are not the problem and he did return those items (wiper motor and ICC Intergrated Control Circuit). He mentioned that the mist funtion (this is excuted when wiper arm is pulled downwards)on the wiper is also not working. He told me that when the wiper is turned on and he then turns on the squirter function it works fine.
Although it does sound like a short to ground, if held that way for long it should probably blow a fuse. (or at least heat it up which may be simple to prove.)

But as D'Ecosse suggested, given your symptoms the very first suspect should have been the pump. If it is locked up or otherwise damaged internally it may draw a much higher than normal load, and that would cause the dimming. I don't understand why he even messed with the wiper motor if it works at all speeds without the washer, but the pump is at the top of my list. Disconnecting it does not absolutely prove it’s THE problem, but it is very likely. (For example, if there is a relay and/or computer control involved they could be the problem but be effectively out of the picture by removing the pump.)
Originally posted by NMYMIRR:
He mentioned that the mist funtion (this is excuted when wiper arm is pulled downwards)on the wiper is also not working. He told me that when the wiper is turned on and he then turns on the squirter function it works fine.[/B]

OK, this part of story a little strange - how about the intermittant wipe - does that work normally?
If the pump works during normal wipe then that would rule out the pump.
It could be one of the diodes on the schematic on page 1274 of the manual- not sure where those are located though - part of ICC? I'll do more digging tonight when I have more time to find them
Originally posted by D'Ecosse:
OK, this part of story a little strange - how about the intermittant wipe - does that work normally?
If the pump works during normal wipe then that would rule out the pump.

Ooops, missed that part. Darn speed reading bites me again!

OK, so I may owe the guy something of an apology.
Originally posted by Andrie Hartanto:
Hey D'Ecosse,

Are you coming to Thunderhill (9/3) event? I would like to see your car before you change it. If you don't maybe we can meet up?

Hey Andrie - as we're off-topic, sent mail to your listed address but it didn't make it ????.


[This message has been edited by D'Ecosse (edited 13 August 2002).]
Originally posted by sjs:
Although it does sound like a short to ground, if held that way for long it should probably blow a fuse. (or at least heat it up which may be simple to prove.)

But as D'Ecosse suggested, given your symptoms the very first suspect should have been the pump. If it is locked up or otherwise damaged internally it may draw a much higher than normal load, and that would cause the dimming. I don't understand why he even messed with the wiper motor if it works at all speeds without the washer, but the pump is at the top of my list. Disconnecting it does not absolutely prove it’s THE problem, but it is very likely. (For example, if there is a relay and/or computer control involved they could be the problem but be effectively out of the picture by removing the pump.)

Guess I didn't mentioned that the wiper arm would just "MABYE" twitch a little in it's attempt to move but doesn't at all. This is the reason why the wiper motor was looked at in first place. The other reason why the ICC was looked at was because it was suggested by a Honda Service Technican. This guy does all Honda Warranty repair work and was recommended by a good friend. He just suggested that the ICC was a probably because it is connected to a multitude of electrial items and the wiper fuction was one of them. But guess there's no harm in trying to check pump too while were in the process of elimation.
1. Washermotor stuck/faulty
2. internal switch of lever faulty (has electronic parts inside)
3. Still a bad ground (measure!, and not on the grounding point, which is not 'ground' anyway, but zero potential)
4. Previous owner changed wipe/squish function to instant dash dimm (sure

Let us know what it was when you get it fixed.
