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Need another viewpoint

2 January 2012
Sacramento, CA
Ok so without calling anyone out I would just like othersopinions on a seller/buyer transaction. First like to say I love Prime for its honest peopleand I never have any issues when buying items on Prime. I bought a set of rims/tires from a fellowprimer, which I found in seller forums. I first contacted the seller via landline and wanted to know more aboutthe rims/tires, i.e.do they clear BBK, overall condition, tire threat etc. After about two weeks I decided I wanted therims and tires and emailed the seller, asking if they were still available. The seller responded, he wanted me to cover shipping and it would be$1530.00 Shipped. I agreed and sent thefunds the same day via PayPal echeck, which takes 3 days to clear. Movingforward to Friday 16th, I sent a PM to the seller stating the funds cleared andasked when he would be shipping the rims/tires. He said he was out of town andwould ship Monday. This is not a problem for me at all, seeing I’m deployed andhave two more months to kill anyways. Iemailed the seller Monday and asked if he had a chance to ship yet, he statedhe was in route to UPS. He gets to UPSand sends me a PM saying he was only going to ship 3 rims/tires instead of the4 full set, because he did not calculate the shipping being $95.00 a wheel. He further stated he would not send me theother wheel until I sent him more money, I told him this is NOT an option andwill send me the full set as agreed. Itold him I would cover the extra shipping cost no problem, but holding my lastrim as hostage was unprofessional and I felt it’s the seller’s responsibilityto properly calculate shipping beforehand and not say 1530 shipped. But stuff happens I get it I really didn’t careabout the extra $105.00 just didn’t like how he went about it; I sent him anextra $105.00 via PayPal about 5-10 minutes after I got his PM. He said he had togo back to UPS because he only shipped 3 wheels. I did get a PM saying now all 4 were shippeda few hours later. I asked for pictures before he packed the rims, wantedevidence if there was damage to file a claim with UPS. This is one of the pictures I received. I’ve never shipped rims in the mail before, isit common practice to ship like this? He told me he also added some newspaperand tape. Like I said before, I’m not calling anyone out just like to knowothers opinions. Maybe I’m over reacting. Either way I do like the rims and I feelat a reasonable price, just hope they arrive in one piece. :biggrin:<o:p></o:p>

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Sorry my spacing is off for some reason. I dont have the option to "edit" and fix


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wow that packaging is unacceptable. God forbid it got damaged you couldn't have even filed a claim with UPS due to the fact that it wasn't packaged properly. It was better off and easier for him to just put cardboard on the fron and rear faces of the rim and trashed bag taped it. I've sold multiple sets of rims like that for years and has never had a problem. from the looks of things, it looked like it came in fine.
Can't really be sure but if anything it depends on how the final outcome of the packing comes out. As long as the face and the rear edges are covered you really dont have to worry much about the tire itself.

I would record a video while opening up the packages to serve as evidence in case of damages. That way it clears up your end on possible "mishandling" while unpacking.
Well I got my rims and the tires were completely differentsizes. Off the top of my head think therears tires were 265 40 19 and 275 30 19…not to mention different tread patternsand brands. The tires were also completelyworn out! I had to spend $600 bucks for two new matching rear tires on tirerackwhich I was not happy about. I’m prettypissed! Seller just said it’s an “as is sell”. He also stated he sent pictures ofthe wheels “so not his problem.” Yes hedid send pics however, but not of the tires, I asked about the tires when Icalled and was told they were good! The worst part is one rim was BENT! He saidhe mentioned these in his AD, but honestly I don’t remember seeing this or Iwould have never bought them. Maybe I over looked the fine print, I can’t evenfind the AD anymore to verify. Either way I talked to him on the phone and sentemails and he told me the rims were good!!! I think $1600 for a bent rim and smoked tiresis ridiculous! Seller was rude and an unprofessional… and I wouldn’t even buy40 dollar lugs nuts from him again!<o:p></o:p>
I had a similar problem buying rims and tires this Summer from another Primer with only one post, first Red Flag.
I have no problems with calling out people that mis represent items that they put up for sale. By doing this, you are helping everyone to be upfront with stuff that they put up for sale, and weeding out the Bad seller.
I did get my monies back, after I registered a claim with Panjo, one of the best part of Prime Markerplace.
First and foremost, if I quote someone shipping, it's because I did my research. If I was wrong then it's not up to the buyer to make it right. My fault, my loss. A deal is a deal. That's just good business, period. Sorry for your bad deal. You should let this community who it was.
File a claim paypal will take your side if shown proof of damage. Any wrong description as seller stated on he's ad will not be tolerated by Paypal even if its as is. You can file a full claim or partial claim, money to fix wheels and tires reimbursement.

Make sure you let the Prime community know who this seller is so we can all avoid this scammer..
At this point you are doing the rest of the nsx prime members a disservice by not mentioning the name of the seller, we are here to help each other, not to cover up for unprofessional sellers that should be banned.
Sorry haven't checked this thread. Yes, I understand your concernswith the "who". We need to all look out for each other, that’s whatthis forum is all about. I didn’t file aclaim with PayPal, I did threaten to file, and I wanted to get a resolutionwith communication first. But quickly realize that’s not going to happen. Hejust sent me a link for cheap discounted tires and thought that was asolution?? I'm deployed and it’s hard for me to deal with crap like this, just don’thave time. I ended up fixing the rim and getting some nice tires to mount. I differentlygot the short end on this, cost me $2400 when it was all said and done, rimswere $1250. What makes me so mad is he just seemed to not care... kept saying “you’regetting a great deal so quite complaining" bent wheel, smoked/differentsize tires, holding a rim hostage, poor packaging, is not a great deal.<o:p></o:p>

This is the seller, TRUNG DUONG, here is the link to his add: http://www.nsxprime.com/forum/showt...acing-Wheels?highlight=volkracing+wheels+ROJA

Hope this was helpful
Joined in May, listed in May- Flag #1
When you expressed interest he raised the price $30? Flag #2 (but I see that he last edited that post on 8/5)
Selling a 1995 NSX for 65K? Flag #3
He put new wheels/tires on the NSX before listing it for 65K. Flag #4
If he's selling his NSX why would he care about how he is regarded in the community?
His listing made no reference to the condition of the tires so I would have assumed that they were sub-optimal. Also no representation as to the condition of the wheels- but if you say that you asked and he told you that they were good then yes, you got hosed.
Personally I would have started the Paypal dispute and if he made good then ended it instead of just threatening. I'll assume that you are past the 45 day Paypal dispute time frame.
Lastly since he listed them on Panjo, is there any support there? From the bottom of the listing: "Panjo | Simple & Secure Marketplaces | Support: [email protected] | 1.424.272.0291 | VolkRacing Wheels
Sorry that you had this experience and thanks for your service!
My mistake was I saw the wheels, I like them, and I missedthe "red Flags." I did ask about the condition etc. via phone andemail. I wouldn't spend that much without asking. It hasn't been 45 days, Icould still file. Again I'm deployed so it’s hard to get shit done. I got hosedmy loss. Hopefully now we are more aware of the "bad apples" so itdoesn't happen again.<o:p></o:p>

**My spacing is off for some reason when I post on here.