Need an adrenaline rush?


Legendary Member
31 October 2001
St. Louis, MO
Think you have some large kahona's? :eek: :eek: :eek:
<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
on the "here's another look" part, he sounded like a jet. That must take something graeter than elephant "kahonas."
The birdman wing suits are amazing: 40 mph vertical and over 80 horizontal. But, to me, the planning is more impressive than the execution. Sort of like BASE jumping with a twist.
I am impressed..
Also, a preview to what will, in no doubt cause a few pages worth of obituaries in the future...
How many "I gotta do that" will there be?
Man! I want to do it, glad I have small ones...
That looks cool as hell when he first starts gliding...
Here's Armando during his flight. :D

DocL said:
Here's Armando during his flight.
I thought one of these was pick which one?:wink:

<img src=>
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there was a video (can't find link sorry) showing a guy who misjudged his trajectory and slammed right through a suspension bridge. his jumping buddy (interviewd in the video for TV) said the leg landed right next to him down in the canyon. you see the guy (video shot from bridge by friend i supose) coming in fast, but too high, then he hits, camera angle goes off a little, and there's a bunch of screaming from his friends. I'm no doctor, but i don't think he survived.
steveny said:
I have dreams like that about 2-5 times a month.

I haven't had a dream like that in quite a while but its great when it happens....... im just walking along then i jump then i start flying like that without any suits or anything .....pretty wild