Need Advice......

17 February 2000
San Francisco, CA
I need some advice on what could be a life changing decision. Thanks in advance guys.

I've suspected for some time now that my girlfriend has been having an affair. The usual signs. Phone rings, I answer, someone hangs up. She started going out 'with the girls' a lot recently although when I ask which girls it is always "Just some friends from work, you don't know them". I always look out for her taxi coming home but she always walks down the drive although I can hear a car setting off. As if she has got out of the car round the corner. Why? Is it not a taxi? I once picked her mobile up just to see what time it was and she went beserk and screamed that I should never touch her phone again and why was I checking up on her.

Anyway, I have never approached the subject with my g/f. I think deep down I just didn't want to know the truth but last night she went out again and I decided to check on her. I decided I was going to hide behind my car which would give me a view of the whole street so I could see which car she gets out of. It was whilst crouched behind my car that I noticed rust around my rear wheel arch.

Should I take it into a body repair shop or should I buy some stuff from the local auto shop and try to repair it myself?

A friend found it on BMW forum
His name was rust? :p
:mad: :mad: YOU GOT ME TOO!!! I was like, hmm hmmm, yeah, I know how you felt... yeah yeah... that's why racer does not need woman... anyway, yeah, this is probably the only chance I get to contribute my 2 cents back to you... then...
It was whilst crouched behind my car that I noticed rust around my rear wheel arch.
:rolleyes: hmmm, I would have done the same in real life too. then,
A friend found it on BMW forum :eek: :o :D
D'Ecosse said:
Hey Andrie - is this your car? I think it's telling you something ........ :)

Yeah, your girlfriend has polydactyly!!

Your are trying to build a car for World Challenge. You don't have any money for a chick.:D

See you shouldn't have sold the NSX. Now you have to worry about the rust on your car.
Andrie, what looked like rust in the twilight was actually a few red hairs. I think she is seeing a red headed guy. Here's what I would do:

- obtain a small nuclear weapon
- place in car of suspected boyfriend
- wire to ignition
- leave town

This should eliminate the problem. And you don't even have to pick the right boyfriend - there's a good chance you'll get him no matter where he lives.

BTW is your HANS® device is rated for nuclear blasts?
:eek: :eek: :eek: :D
