Need advice to buy a 92 NSX

27 August 2014
Los angeles
Hi all!
I'm new to this forum and I hope I stay here for a long time.

There's this NSX unit from 92 with less than 35K miles
What would a fair price would be for such a unit?
thank you guys!
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What do you think these repairs could cost?
Anything else that should stop me from buying it?
What would a fair price would be for such a unit?
thank you guys!

Hard to know repair costs until an experienced mechanic gets under the hood and has a real look around. Current observations are far too vague to get any sort of real number on the table. You may want to include a location so folks can recommend a shop/dealer to look at the car.

Fair price will range from $35-50k in my view. Hagerty seems to agree with me.

Thanks for the advice!
Very helpful that graph.

Regarding the clutch change, that has to be a pretty standard procedure right? What's the estimate for changing it? $1200? 3000?
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Regarding the clutch change, that has to be a pretty standard procedure right? What's the estimate for changing it? $1200? 3000?

Ya, a clutch change isn't a big deal. I believe a '92 clutch is around $1400 in parts, so depending on who you get to do the work it could run you close to $2,000. Maybe less, I am not sure. The clutch on the later years is a bit more expensive.

You may find that things can get fairly expensive with an NSX compared to some other cars. When people say "it's a Honda" in reference to a NSX, what they are really saying "it isn't a Ferrari".
drive car in 1st gear get to about 5K rpms and then shift into 5th and floor it...... if it shudders then the clusch prob needs changed if it slowly gains speed then its fine.

but I may have this mixed up if it shudders then its OK I forget this trick is for 4cly I think but dont quote me LOL I claim to know nothing
How many owners has this car had?
At 35 K miles it hasn't had a lot of use so doubt anything major is wrong.

The most important thing to review is the maintenance record on the car.
Does it need a timing belt/water pump?
What about brake/clutch fluid changes and coolant changes.
If there is no maintenance record caution is suggested.

And BTW, I'm an "old man" and if I was selling my NSX and read that a potential buyer thought I was a "pain in the butt" he wouldn't be getting my NSX.
You're obviously young. These kind of comments don't add any value to you or your post.
Good luck.
Hi JD, thanks for the comments. Obviously my intention was not to be rude.
The fact that the owner is old and that he is hard to deal with are not really related.
Yes he is very very old which is good because the car wasn't driven by a 18 year old kid like crazy. By old I mean +85/90 years old.
And yes he is difficult to deal with and that's how it is.
I might not be as young as you might thing. But anyway thanks again for all the advice.
And BTW, I'm an "old man" and if I was selling my NSX and read that a potential buyer thought I was a "pain in the butt" he wouldn't be getting my NSX. You're obviously young. These kind of comments don't add any value to you or your post.
Good luck.

Best quote of the day right there, lol.
The fact that the owner is old and that he is hard to deal with are not really related.

My point exactly.
Whether a seller is old or young, easy or hard to deal with, has nothing to do with determining if an NSX is worth buying.
This forum is about the NSX.
There are other forums to complain about the unfairness of buyers, sellers, bosses, employees, income tax etc.
drive car in 1st gear get to about 5K rpms and then shift into 5th and floor it...... if it shudders then the clusch prob needs changed if it slowly gains speed then its fine.

but I may have this mixed up if it shudders then its OK I forget this trick is for 4cly I think but dont quote me LOL I claim to know nothing

If the RPM's climb without the car accelerating at low speed in 5th gear, either:
The clutch is slipping
The clutch is fine, and the tires will need replacing :wink:

- - - Updated - - -

Hi all!

There's this NSX unit from 92 with less than 35K miles and very well taken care of. All stock. The car has never been driven fast. It belongs to an old man and it's a bit of a pain in the butt to deal with him.

If he's a pain in the butt and he owned the NSX, the NSX might also be a pain too..tread softly.

Also, "fast" is relative :tongue:. For a garage queen, fast might be using 3rd gear!