Need advice please!

I have a friend who's looking for an 04-05 Honda S2000. For the same price, I think he should get an early model NSX. What would you do?
You're probably right, but you have to explain to him how much the maintanance is going to cost him once he get the NSX. For example, a well kept 91/92 NSX will demand far more than an early AP2 S2k, and poorly kept car will cost him couple grand or more to get it up to date.

S2k will be much cheaper to maintain too.

I think your friend will appreciate your suggestion to consider an NSX ... and an older NSX may cost a bit more to maintain as already pointed out, but I think that the real question is do they want a drop top or a super car? Not that the 2000 isn't super, but the NSX is an exotic car. Not to make this great choice too simple, but it really is an apple vs orange decision.
Have him check into car insurance for the cars too.

When I was younger the first call was to my insurance broker to see if I could afford the car and I always paid for my cars cash.

Out here in California young folks with an unblemished record can expect to pay $5K-$9K per year in insurance for a "sports car". The NSX is rated to be the highest bracket for insurance costs.

IMHO: A 17 year old NSX is much better than a new S2000. More fun, reliable and great resale value. The NSX will have a much lower TCO, with maybe the exception of insurance.

It seems like $$ is a prominent factor in your friend's decision.

Over 5 years, let's say he would drive both cars 40k miles. You will be spending at least 12k-15k on the NSX. The s2k will require basically no maint. except maybe a set of brake pads, oil changes, and tires [which it doesn't eat at NEAR the same rate as the NSX].

So you have cost of car at 30k even after taxes for either + annual insurance costs plus 3k in maint for NSX and 1500 on the S.

Once you figure that out, I'm going to assume over a 5 year period that will roughly at least 7500 in maint. extra for the NSX and at least 2500 in additional insurance costs [only assuming it's 500 more annually as the s2k isn't exactly cheap].

Note this doesn't take into consideration say, if you had to do a clutch job AND timing belt job during those miles.

Doing rough calculations this brings the s2k to 10k over 5 years to own stricly regarding keeping it on the road.

The NSX will probably drop 3-6 grand over that time period, mostly due to the miles. On the other side, that 30k s2k will be worth at most low 20's.

While there may be more hassle and random costs, given the depreciation factors etc. they will probably cost the same to own over 5 years 40k miles. More miles will be in favor of the s2k as the NSX's tires a lone add up quickly.

More detailed analysis can be found on this forum of actual costs.

As for fun factor, that's for your friend to decide with a test drive. He also needs to realize he'll need a garage for either, especially the NSX, and driving it through some city areas is discouraged.
Hard to say what your mate should be doing first.

I decided to go the S2000 route primarily because I live in a climate that is conducive to top down driving everyday (Dubai). However, as I've posted in this forum I'm planning on purchasing a NSX sometime this year and exporting it back to me in the UAE. My goal is to find one in time for NSXPO 07 event and drive it there and then export it once done.

I'm a die hard fan of both cars and from what I've understood and experienced with both cars they are different beasts. The NSX is pure exotica on wheels and isn't a true track car whereas the S2000 is absolutely amazing on the track! My 07 S is the most fun I've ever had with a car and I've already done 2 track weekends and 1 autocross competition having owned the car for 3 months now.

My plan is to keep the S2000 as my daily driver and then drive the NSX on occassion until I get back to a country that has a dedicated NSX mechanic. I'm scared to death of driving the NSX in this country when the driving standard is so terrible although the highway speeds are great for the NSX!

Your mate should get an S2000 first, experience that, and then get a NSX.

But I'm worried NSX prices will not fall and or the supply of decent NSX's, especially the NSX-T will drop. That's mainly why I want to get my NSX this year.

Hope this helped coming from a S owner.

I was in the same situation not long ago. Since looking for a mint condition early year NSX espcially in 5spd is almost impossible here in my country, I had then forfeit this option and look for an approximity. I then tested a 1999 AP1 and fall into love with it. It's acceleration plus the drop down feature makes me to want it without 2nd thought. However, the seller suddenly changed his mind for not selling to me, and then I gave up the hope in looking for a S2000 due to a nice condition epecially an non-accident one is hard to come by. For some time lapse I kept my eyes open for a nice sports car, and I have realized that NSX is a car that I would want and keep for a while. Finally, I had make a decision and now I have no regret of owning a NSX even though for just two days. I would say its a "dream comes true". I am less worrying about its maintaince cost especialy if its compare for owning a F-car.

Happy searching.
I was in a similar situation too :) I was looking for a new fun weekend car. Early NSX and S2000 were pretty much what I settled on. I ended up purchasing a pristine super low mile AP1 S2000 which I got an excellent deal on. I liked the idea of not having to spend on maintenance. I've owned it from 7995 miles to 41,000 miles and I haven't had to do a single thing but change fluids. Of course, now I'm really thinking about adding an NSX to the stable so I don't know what to suggest :)