Okay, I stupidly let my tinting guy talk me into trying a minimal tint on my windshield. I had told him that I can't stand heat, and with a black/black car, I needed to find some way to reduce sun-induced heat. He said he could do the whole windshield at 50% and it wouldn't be very noticeable. Well, unsurprisingly, you can totally see it, and that so ain't legal in WA.
However, when I looked up WA state law, I noticed this:
Does anyone know of/have experience with such a film? My tinting guy, who has otherwise been a pretty good guy and I'll keep using him, is out of town for the weekend, so I can't ask him.
Basically, I just need to get the most possible heat blocked.
Oh, and does anyone have any opinion of how it looks to put a strip of dark/limo tint across the top of the windshield? I'm not sure I want that harsh line between dark and clear up there. I wish there were some option with a graduated tint that goes further than the factory blue strip, which is pathetically short.