Need advice on windshield tinting alternatives

19 November 2002
Redmond, WA, USA
Okay, I stupidly let my tinting guy talk me into trying a minimal tint on my windshield. I had told him that I can't stand heat, and with a black/black car, I needed to find some way to reduce sun-induced heat. He said he could do the whole windshield at 50% and it wouldn't be very noticeable. Well, unsurprisingly, you can totally see it, and that so ain't legal in WA.

However, when I looked up WA state law, I noticed this:

Clear film sunscreening material that reduces or eliminates ultraviolet light may be applied to windshields.
Does anyone know of/have experience with such a film? My tinting guy, who has otherwise been a pretty good guy and I'll keep using him, is out of town for the weekend, so I can't ask him.

Basically, I just need to get the most possible heat blocked.


Oh, and does anyone have any opinion of how it looks to put a strip of dark/limo tint across the top of the windshield? I'm not sure I want that harsh line between dark and clear up there. I wish there were some option with a graduated tint that goes further than the factory blue strip, which is pathetically short.
Aiken Drum said:
Okay, I stupidly let my tinting guy talk me into trying a minimal tint on my windshield. I had told him that I can't stand heat, and with a black/black car, I needed to find some way to reduce sun-induced heat. He said he could do the whole windshield at 50% and it wouldn't be very noticeable. Well, unsurprisingly, you can totally see it, and that so ain't legal in WA.

However, when I looked up WA state law, I noticed this:

Does anyone know of/have experience with such a film? My tinting guy, who has otherwise been a pretty good guy and I'll keep using him, is out of town for the weekend, so I can't ask him.

Basically, I just need to get the most possible heat blocked.


Oh, and does anyone have any opinion of how it looks to put a strip of dark/limo tint across the top of the windshield? I'm not sure I want that harsh line between dark and clear up there. I wish there were some option with a graduated tint that goes further than the factory blue strip, which is pathetically short.
I too, wanted my windsheild tinted, and did with great results. Have your guy take off the limo tint(what was he thinking???) and apply the lightest tint he has, which should be in the 80% range(not sure exactly). I won't have a car without this(although ANY tint on the winsheild is a no no-except the band on top). Most people don't even notice it on my car. The heat and UV rejection are in the high 90%. After working in cars all day, getting in mine is similar to going out in the direct sunlight and putting on a pair of sunglasses. I had the same tint put on all my windows in the NSX and found that it looks fairly factory(nighttime looks darker) and law enforcement seem to have no problem with it.
Take care,
BTW, I say leave the tint across the top of the windshield to the pimp cars
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I have my side windows very dark and NO tint on the windshield. Granted a little bit of sun does come in but it doesn't bother me that much. Besides, it helps hide the fact that the sides are way past the illegal point.
I would like to clarify a few things. The proper use of % refers to the amount of light that passes through the film. When you say 20%, that is a medium/dark film that lets only 20% light through it. As for any window film from the lightest to darkest, most will filter out about 98+% of the UV rays. There are UV inhibitors in the adhesive of the window film. As for heat reduction, there is no way an almost clear film will reduce alot of heat unless it was reflective. A 70% light transmittance film will reduce about 33% of the heat. That is probably the darkest that you should tint the windshield but I always advise my customers against it as you might see a slight bit of distortion due to the angle of the glass because you will be looking through the film at a angle. The adhesive on the film may cause that slight bit of distortion when you see headlights or tail lights, especially at night. I have been tinting for about 15 years now and in California, it is definitely against the law to tint the entire windshield. It really depends upon the officers as most will not pull you over if the window film is not that dark. There is a clear film which transmits about 85% light that is legal for use in California on the front doors. I am assuming you are referring to that film which is made by CPFilms. It filters out 99+% UV but only reduces about 12% heat. If you have any questions, you can always e-mail me. Good luck.

Is ther a tint which sticks on the outside of the windshield to protect the windshield? My windshield has rock chips all over!
To The Don,
There isn't an exterior window film that will protect from rock chips. I have just heard that there is a company which makes a clear film, similar to the clearshield 3M paint protective film, made for the windshield. It is suppose to be applied 3" around the windshield. Most rock chips/cracks happen when it is hit within 3 inches from the edge. Other than that, nothing made to cover the entire windshield.
The tinting type film is made by Llumar for the interior, it can be used on all windows including the windsheild. It cuts a majority of all UV light that enters the car.
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