Need a Carfax on a 91 JH4NA1156MT000137


Does anybody know this car? Thanks!
You do know that there is someone from carfax who actively scans this car website among others, right?

They have run search histories against carfax requests, and cancelled accounts of those who were caught.

If you need a carfax, best not to announce the VIN. Even then, how do we know it's not a carfax bot trying to catch people?
Haha, that thread discusses that car very little before it manages to devolve into a flame war. I'll keep my eyes open if anything else pops up...

I didn't know about the Carfax thing. I've seen Carfax's posted here before so I figured it wasn't a big deal.
Haha, that thread discusses that car very little before it manages to devolve into a flame war. I'll keep my eyes open if anything else pops up...

I didn't know about the Carfax thing. I've seen Carfax's posted here before so I figured it wasn't a big deal.
Flame war? Ha you ain't seen nothing yet.

And yea there's a Carfax user account here, whose account is not on the member list.

Eyes are every where.