Nearly time to replace battery.

10 November 2002
I am going to need a new battery soon, so I have been considering the possibilities for a replacement. I have settled on the Optima D34R (Orange Top). I had read somewhere that this battery had been discontinued but I hope to locate one somewhere. I would like to install an orange battery box, to match the battery top and wheel of the spare tire. (I know, very anal.) Anyone know where I can located an ORANGE battery box to fit the Optima D34R? The battery specs are as follows:

(Same Specifications As Red Top)
SAE/ BCI Automotive Reverse Top Terminals
Group Size – BCI: 34
Length – 10”
Width – 6.8”
Height – 7.8”
Weight – 37.9 lb.
Capacity – 50Ah
Reserve Capacity – BCI: 104 minutes
CCA – 800 amps
MCA – 980 amps

Thanks In Advance
Complete a search

I think there have been a lot of posts on battery replacments in general---try a search...U should always do that before posting a question...
This is hugely annoying

What portion of my post indicates that I didn't thoroughly search already? I find this hugely annoying; a significant amount of the posts for any topic is someone reminding or scolding someone else for searching or not searching. The tip that someone should "always do a search before posting a question" is pure genius.
I'm going to chime in too. I find it very annoying when someone answers a question by scolding about the SEARCH.

1. I read posts to gain information and for enjoyment. I may want to know the answer of the question also and enjoy reading the many follow-up posts. If I don't enjoy it, I just click the Back button.

2. The person may want current information and/or current opinions.

3. I just don't see what the big deal is about someone posting a question that may already have old answers. If you don't want to read it, skip over it. If you don't want to answer it, then don't.

4. And, lastly, some of the people recommending "search" say it in a scolding condescending way. That's no way to treat a newbie or anyone else for that matter. It may give someone the idea that we are all stuck-up snobs, and I know that most of us aren’t.

Would it be a better message board if everyone would just search instead of posting messages?

This is one of the liveliest best-informed messaged boards period! It's that way because people post topics and get discussion going.

yes i agree. search is for basic information which is readily available. however, the whole point of this board is to discuss topics. sometimes it's fun to discuss topics that were covered before. it's not a database of information but a medium to interact with others as well.

anyways, i bought an exide 51R-84 as a replacement. someone mentioned that it was equivalent to the zanardi battery. my only problem was putting the hold down bracket on the battery. the terminals are very close to the edge of the battery and i'm concerned that they may touch the metal bracket.

i ended up putting heavy cardboard paper securely so that the terminals will not touch the bracket but i'm still not happy with this hacky solution. anyone have suggestions?
A half inch thick piece of wood to take the place of the cardboard.

or you could buy a battery with reversed terminals and install the battery with the terminals facing the rear of the car.

Why didn't I think of that when I installed my battery with the wood???

I don't know if the terminals are long enough for this to work but they shouldn't require more than an inch more length than installing the terminals in front would.

Anybody done this yet?
Re: This is hugely annoying

Jett said:
What portion of my post indicates that I didn't thoroughly search already? I find this hugely annoying; a significant amount of the posts for any topic is someone reminding or scolding someone else for searching or not searching. The tip that someone should "always do a search before posting a question" is pure genius.

I would never flame anyone who at least showed an attempt to search ....but if they ask a question which is redundant and i get 20 threads covering it and covering it in detail with a simple search then i know that he has not done his homework.I must admit that there have been times when finding a topic was not easy on here but its just a matter of using the rite key words in the search box to get what your looking for.
I challenge anyone to find a post that refers to an orange battery box that Jett was looking for - nothing to do with the battery itself.
Maybe you can just try some Krylon Fusion Paint, specially for bonding to plastics? (Don't know if it comes in Orange however)

As to installing a non-reverse battery (since stock NSX is reverse type) in order to turn it around again
(???!!! - you all following here?? :))
- I bought my yellow Optima and installed it backwards to give me a "reversed" application. The nice thing about Optimas is that the main posts are actually only an inch or two off centre-line, so it doesn't make much difference on the orientation to make the terminals accommodate the cables with no stretching or interference on the bracket/hold-down.
& if you do a search you will find this posted before, but no trouble to mention it again! :D
A reversed post battery will fit in terms of cables. I ran one for some time as the dealer only had that battery. There was very little space between the firewall and the positive post but the car never burned down.
I have to agree with mikec. I've said it before, rather than reminding someone to do a search.. just move on.

Sometimes members change, technology changes, parts change etc. Maybe the person did a search and just wants confirmation. Many times people post in despair, their car is broke down, there clutch is gone.... whatever.

How many posts has there been about someone's car breaking down, getting new tires, new battery, trickle chargers, etc? Lots for sure.

If you do a complete search, i'm sure you'll find almost every conceivable topic has been covered. So why not just close the forums?

Now for new members coming to the site and asking questions like: What colors did the NSX come in? Should I buy a Corvette or NSX? What type of oil the the NSX take? There should be a friendly reminder on how to post. I'm going to make a suggestion in the Prime Website News forum.
Thanks to D'Ecosse

Thank you for pointing out that I was inquiring about a battery box . Do the hall monitors ever actually read the post before they reply with the same old tired search advice? The post makes it clear that I have already selected a battery. You don't know how many times I searched Google and Ebay for an orange battery box before I posted the question. I saw one listing for an orange battery box on Ebay, but it was for a larger group 27 battery. So I figured maybe someone knew of a source for a smaller group 24 orange battery box. Anyway, I am now adding a disclaimer to my signature. Enough about searching; this is still a fantastic website.
Sorry, I missed the inquiry about a battery box.
Why are you looking for one?
My car came with one and I found it hard to work around so I removed it.
Since the battery tray was totally corroded from battery acid I can only conclude the previous owner had a problem with the battery shorting out and exploding from the mounting bracket.
If the battery were mounted so as to not short this wouldn't be a problem.

I seem to remember battery boxes being a common item with marine applications.

Enclosing a picture of one from ebay.


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An orange battery would look cool.
When my battery went a few months ago I just went to the Acura dealer and purchased a new one with the Acura logos. If colour is the issue then why not just paint the battery (mask off the Acura logos) with an automotive grade spray paint (any auto paint supplier can mix whatever colour you require) . You would require a plastic adherance spray (used primarily as a prepaint for painting both flexible and non flexible synthetic bumpers....again available in aerosol format at the auto paint supplier for a nominal cost). I've never had an auto battery leak any acid (barring a crack) so chemical interaction should not be an issue.:)
Thanks and Warning

Thanks for the input. I saw the one that is listed on Ebay; the problem I have with it is that it is too long for the battery pan at 17" in length. Something in the order of 11" length would fit the pan and be large enough for the Optima battery. As to why I want a box, if the box is removed and the battery were to shift in the holddown (as seems likely since batteries vary in size and it seems that most replacement battery installations usually end up different from stock) allowing the positive terminal to touch metal; Warning! a short and underhood fire results! Someone had previously discarded the battery box on my car also, so now there is just a regular holddown holding the battery, with the terminals exposed. It hasn't given any trouble but needs to be corrected. If I am unable to located an orange battery box, then I may just go with a black one like most of the marine places sell. Alternatively, Optima has battery covers that specifically fit their batteries, although I am not sure how they integrate with the holddown bracket. Plus I haven't seen an orange cover. As another alternative, my other car (Mustang) has hard plastic casings which snap around the battery terminals. These cases just slip off when the terminals are disconnected. If anyone has exposed terminals, I recommend these at a minimum.
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