Mysterious noise from car. HELP!

30 June 2003
Columbia, MD
I just bought a used 98 NSX. When I turned the key to the second position, I notice a strange tiny fan noise from behind my ashtray. Not very loud, hardly noticeable with the muisic on. But it is definitely some kind of fan noice. When I turn on my engine, the noise is still there. Can anyone explain???
I believe that is the aspirator fan coming on. It is part of the A/C system. It is acutally located just behind the three slits in the center console to the left and below the ashtray.
This is described in the FAQ section called "What's that NOISE" (under the Troubleshooting heading).

It's the aspirator fan and fixing it means taking apart the dash. You can try blowing compressed air into the vents and a few other fixes (like cleaning it), but I found that they didn't work for me. If you want to have the fan replaced, which will cure it, expect to pay $500 including parts and labor.