Mynsx Response To Various Stuff.

8 November 2001
Whell as I,ve said before .It really can'not possibly please everyone when I or "anyone" creates a mod.

The REDNSX sold for 33,000.oo I spoke w/ the new owner via e-mail and have stayed in contact since.It was done off ebay which is what I suggested .I let go of the car in Anihiem,CA It was then wholesaled to their parteners in Washington.

To me I picture it,then I do it.Never do I concern myself w/ "what will they think".Its about pleasing me.
PS... Its just icing on the cake when outside validation is present.
By the way.....I didn't so much like the 3 spokes either "but"I did prefer them being black.

I very much like to here the likes and dislikes for shows (other than that it's all opinion/personal taste)

To me this is a canvas and I'm just doodling as if w/ pencil.

I have recieved offers on the MYNSX project car and in contract w/ someone who I did a video with.The car will yeild more than what I originally anticipated.It's all about "who" wants it .
If this falls through it doesn't matter there are others "time is all I have and thankfully I have 2 other projects to keep me occupied.

There are people I'm offering it to that for me to get my price is just a matter of presenting it to them.I have appointed someone already to market this as well as all future projects at a fair commission.I did not pay the 900.00 into the Dupont my partener Mr.Kelner did.As he is also the one w/ the connections to these people who in a whim spontaniously say wow I want that car.

I personally could not afford "Yet" to drop that type of $$$ on the counter as often as some but there are many who do and will.Remember "everything is for sale" and I have many commitments still to fill before sold.

The car will be offered w/ "0" miles OR DAM CLOSE TO IT after done w/ the shows and some testing,/new supercharger/new low compression/AEM mngmt/ big HP. and big shot of NOS.This is what is already in motion and I'm sure it'll smoke MY355.(that is as is...... but theres always "twin turbo's" shhhhh!!)
We''ll be bypassing the NOS and straight through to that little arsenal.

I do like the 355 a lot I just got back from Vegas and total miles since I purchased it are 2300.Now I feel at one w/ the car.
I can do a good comparison and will very soon!!

I appreciate everyones input online here and have always welcomed the critics the same.As for the NSX in general
I will always either own one or return to one in addition to my projects.

Ive got a monster project "master plan" this one if you dont like "YOU'VE GOTTA BE FUC%IN" CRAZY"!!
Hint.... Yellow and twin turboed and NOT MY355

Again I appreciate all the input and "Thank You All". again!!

MYNSX/MY355 :)
Forums Nazi said:
Why are you creating a new topic just to make a duplicate of something you already posted in another, existing topic?


Listen dude take a valium or something. :) NSX POLICE!!LOL

Just playin' .CHILL OUT DUDE ,take a trip to CALI..... :)

The reason was because the other topic covered way too much as well as I never even go into that area (it was fairly obvious that others don't either)reason being I have recieved 12 e-maqils in reference to this topic as well as the same question.

Basically a time managment thing.

Peace dude ..... and smile a little in the avatar.