My Zaino pics

12 May 2000
Redmond, WA
This is after 1 coat of Zaino on a Monaco Blue NSX. Didn't feel that I needed to add additional coats. The shine and durability of the polish is amazing. After 3 weeks, it still feels smooth as the day I put it on. I'm throwing away my Meguiar's Gold Class wax.



[This message has been edited by johndoh (edited 04 October 2001).]
Nice shine, but is that a urinal I see in your garage? No sense leaving the car when nature calls, eh

Yes, it is a full-fledged, working wall urinal in the garage. My wife really does not like the wall urinal, probably because she can't use it

It has come in very handy at at times, especially when you've been working on the car or in the yard.
Originally posted by johndoh:
Yes, it is a full-fledged, working wall urinal in the garage...

Thanks for the laugh! That is great.

Did you have it installed after the house was built? I'm thinking that a urinal and entertainment unit may go well in my garage.
That was the first think I notice also.

Just make sure your wife doesn't come home with her friends while you are taking care of business. I hope the garage door control is within arm reach from the urinal to avoid distubing the flow.
Actually, the urinal came with the house when we bought it. It was definitely one of the selling points. Not everyday you come across houses like this. I did have my HDTV in the garage for a couple of weeks while we were trying to figure out how to get the TV upstairs(long story, but basically it was too heavy for the movers to get the TV upstairs). All I needed was a fridge with food and beer and a couch. Oh, there's also a telephone on the wall next to the urinal for those occasions when someone calls while you're doing your business.