After a tedious long wait on my custom offset Volks, they finally arrived and I wasted no time in slapping them on the car.
The Tiens had to be re-adjusted as the lowered stance on stock rims actually still made the rear look too high so I had to bring the rear perches about 20mm lower on each side. I'm happy now with the stance and the calipers have plenty of spoke clearance for my upcoming BBK's.
Pics were shot with my Canon 40d at medium resolution. If anyone has suggestions on how to take better pics, I'm ALL EARS
**I will add interior pics once I get my 2nd Bride seat and steering wheel completed.
The Tiens had to be re-adjusted as the lowered stance on stock rims actually still made the rear look too high so I had to bring the rear perches about 20mm lower on each side. I'm happy now with the stance and the calipers have plenty of spoke clearance for my upcoming BBK's.
Pics were shot with my Canon 40d at medium resolution. If anyone has suggestions on how to take better pics, I'm ALL EARS
**I will add interior pics once I get my 2nd Bride seat and steering wheel completed.