"My Toys"

23 August 2001
Pictures of my Toys..




[This message has been edited by spartan2-3 (edited 06 February 2003).]

[This message has been edited by spartan2-3 (edited 12 February 2003).]
Originally posted by Acura NsX Pilot:
what no f-16 or f-18 and wheres the stealth fighter

In the second photo, look to the right on the top of the bookshelf and you'll see the "Palmdale" F-117 Stealth.

Check <a href="http://www.nsxprime.com/ubb/Forum6/HTML/000443.html">here</a> to see more toys including some of my Armour aircraft.
It appears more than a few of us have things in common other than the NSX. Is something in our brains that attracts us to models? I don't hold a candle to some of you with cars, although I've just completed the finish work on a basement room that will be home to a HO train set. Tell me, where can I find a good detailed NSX T Blk/Tan to add to the few auto's I have.
Originally posted by Tom Larkins:
It appears more than a few of us have things in common other than the NSX. Is something in our brains that attracts us to models? I don't hold a candle to some of you with cars, although I've just completed the finish work on a basement room that will be home to a HO train set. Tell me, where can I find a good detailed NSX T Blk/Tan to add to the few auto's I have.

Tom, what size model are you looking for?
If you are looking for 1/18 your best bet is the Kyosho and paint the interior color as Im not sure if they made in Black/Tan.

If 1/43, Ebbro would be your choice.

If 1/24 I'd get the Tamiya Kit and build/paint it any color you choose only thing is you would have to customize the wheels,(Kit comes with 91-93 wheels).

If 1/64 Tomica and MotorBox is the only company Im aware of.

Good Luck...
I hope you dont have earthquakes in your area because I know if in mine the cars would be shooting off the wall during a quake
Im guessing it would look like lemmings or something.
Damn sweet collection *drool*! What's the red/black NSX with the 7-spoke wheels? Is that a custom or some kind of Kyosho?

Thats why they call it "Stealth"

Actually, this is my super secret Stealth fighter. Seen here is my brother ready to give it a test flight.

Originally posted by spartan2-3:

Tom, what size model are you looking for?
If you are looking for 1/18 your best bet is the Kyosho and paint the interior color as Im not sure if they made in Black/Tan.

Thanks for the help. Would have liked a 1/24th, but I don't really feel like building. I hope the 1/18 is a T so the interior can be painted ?

Couldn't help but notice the older LeMans (Toyos & the 962) and the F-4. Did you build them, if so nice work on the Phantom. My collection of autos is rather small, mostly older and varied from Senna, Schumacher & Earnhardt and a few Randy Ownens serigraphs. Now that i've got what I consider to be proper display cases made I wanted to step it up a bit and whas hoping to find a Group 44 Jag in the Castrol colors and the Nissian 300ZX Turbo, both from the GTP days of IMSA. Have located one of the Silk Cut Jags in MiniChamps but that about it. Any suggestion... Thanks in advance and thanks the NSX suggestion.
Thanks for the prop guys.

Phoensx; That is actually a Kyosho 1/18 with custom paint roof

Tom: I was a big IMSA GTP fan myself, I also searched everywhere for the "Geoff Brabham Nissan Team" but no luck, I built the Silk Cut Jag and Juan Fangio's Eagle 1 Toyota but out of luck for the Castrol Jag. I believe you can order decals for the Teams. ohh and yes the F4 is model kit..

I think the 962 is available in 1/18
Silk Cut Jag and Mazda 787B available in 1/43 at "EWACARS.com"

Vytas: the image on that plane looks almost like an F-22?,F15? or did he borrow "wonderwomans invisi jet"?

JoeSchmoe: I live in the East Bay (SF) and we are in the same boat when it comes to "Quakes".

any Mt.Bikers or "Triathletes" on board?

[This message has been edited by spartan2-3 (edited 21 December 2002).]
Romeo, add these two into you toys.
the white one is the Type R prototype 2001 Tokyo Motor Showcar with the carbon pattern hood. I will be in Reno tomorrow and coming back home after 12/25. I will bring them to you after x'mas.


[This message has been edited by nsx2000 (edited 21 December 2002).]
Hey Bob/Aida.....WOW....WOW....WOW.....WOW...


see you after X-mas..Will you be here for New-year??? Roger is having a party, I hope you and Aida can make it..If not we can have Dinner at the "Dead Fish" really nice...


[This message has been edited by spartan2-3 (edited 21 December 2002).]

[This message has been edited by spartan2-3 (edited 21 December 2002).]
All you need is some smoking incence and u have turned the NSX into a religion.

What's that orange brochure on the left in top photo (Imola Orange Pearl '02 NSX)??? Is that a sales brochure... would love to know more details.

also do u know the scale of the large red/black NSX at the back?