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My story of a shop.

3 January 2003
OK I will keep this short and to the point. I get a NOS system from COZ so when I got it on the mail I was going to call Autowave to put it on but since Speed Oracle is jusy 20 minutes away I went there. I made the choice to go there based on people on this site saying that Rob does goo work.

first day I was there Rob from Speed Oracle told me there was a part missing from the NOS kit so I called COZ and he over nite it to me. So basicaly on the first day nothing was done to my car at all.But since he notice a part was missing I tough that he had done this befor and I was in good hands so all we did was go to lunch with Rob that day.

second day I was there he set up the NOS kit and told me that I need a bigger fuel pump and bigger Injectors so I ask him is that all I would need and he says yes. So I take my car home and I call him later and he says that all I might only need is a bigger fuel pump so I say OK lets get it.
I am very careful with my car and dont like to have it dirty but when I got it back from Rob it was all full of gress all over the car with hand prints the inside looked like I have never cleaned it in a year and my car was only there 1 day, when i took it in the car was spot less even Rob asked me if I just clay bar my car. I wish my camera worked so I could have took some pictures. And as a bonus he drilled 4 holes in my trunk for the NOS bottle so now I dont have a perfict body thanks to him and the sad part is I did not notice this untill it was already done. I should have never come back after that but I though that at least the work was going to get done right and he know what he was doing I was stupid to think this. And befor I forget when I got home I could not open the motor window hatch so I had to take this panels in the back on the driver seat off to notice that he did not put the wire that pulled to open the hatch back on so it did not pull.

third day I was there at 7 cause thats the time we aggred to be there but he shows up at 8:30 1 and a half hours late cause he ran out of gas. then he start to work on another car for about 20 minutes then finaly he gets to my car. he puts in the fuel pump and I am watiching him do it because I want it done and I am at this point not to happy with his shop. So once he is done he says its still not rich enough and that I will need cooler sparkplugs. Then he says " If you would have done your resurch you would have known that you need this" . So basically he is telling me the costemer that I should know how to do what I am paying him to do since he is the so called expert on this. So acording to him it is basicaly my fault he did not just get all the stuff I needed for my NOS kit to work the way it should. So I just took my car again all full of gress and looking like i dont clean it.So by now I have cleand the car 2 times and when I clean it I make sure that its spot less and that takes time.

I should have never gone there since I dont like incompitance like I told Rob and he says He does not like it also, but the way I see it we have a completly diferent defenision of incompitance. The day I was there all day I notice how he did not really car for my car since he use to just lean on it any use gloves full of oil and gress to touch the paint and inside the car. I thought he put gloes on to keep the car clean but he puts them to keep his hands clean not the car. As I talk to him and joke around and told him that I was not to happy about his work and I am going to put it on prime he would say how he did this as a hobby not a job so he really did not care. when he told me that I was already on my way out and just wanted him to put the feul tank back in so i could get out. but when he was done he wanted to dyno it to see if it was rich so I could use the NOS kit. But it was not and acording to him it was my fault cause I should have done more resurch.

So I called Autowave the place that I always take the 2 NSX's we have and the place I should have from the start like I was going to but since people on this site were saying Rob's work was great I went to Speed Oracle . So I am going to take my car to the real experts that I have never once had a problem with cause they get the job done right and dont BS me and tell me I should have resuch what I am paying them to do. They are going to look over what Rob did to make sure he did not mess anything up.they will actually get my NOS kit to the point were I could use it not just have it in the car but cant shot. So once Autowave get my set up to work right and they tell me what he did not do to make this be safe and done right I will up date. My car is not at Autowave yet but I will post updates when its there. But at least Rob did not blow my motor since NOS was never use on it. there was more stuff I did not like but I dont want to make this a really long story.

So if you are like me and want to have things done right by people that will take care and return your car better than befor I would not take it to Speed Oracle.

Rob as a person is a nice guy but I dont trust him on my car no more.

this post is to tell you guys about my experiance with Speed Oracle so if you like that shop keep going there but at least people like me who like to feel like there are in good hands and want to job done right don't have to deal with what I did.
I didnt even know this post was here till i had a fellow customer tell me about it . :smile:

So you got one side, here is the other to be even handed.

OK I will keep this short and to the point. I get a NOS system from COZ so when I got it on the mail I was going to call Autowave to put it on but since Speed Oracle is jusy 20 minutes away I went there. I made the choice to go there based on people on this site saying that Rob does goo work.

first day I was there Rob from Speed Oracle told me there was a part missing from the NOS kit so I called COZ and he over nite it to me. So basicaly on the first day nothing was done to my car at all.But since he notice a part was missing I tough that he had done this befor and I was in good hands so all we did was go to lunch with Rob that day.

This customer, came in with a nos kit that was not complete. I had made an appointment with him to install the nos. When i received the package, it was missing a fuel preasure sensor which was used as a second fail safe device and also did not have any wiring or switches. We spent a hour going over the car and the kit and went out to lunch. I wanted to make sure with a NOS kit install, everything has to be perfect since it could mean the end of your engine if not done correctly and im not one to rush the job so i can get you out the door and pay my rent.

second day I was there he set up the NOS kit and told me that I need a bigger fuel pump and bigger Injectors so I ask him is that all I would need and he says yes. So I take my car home and I call him later and he says that all I might only need is a bigger fuel pump so I say OK lets get it.
I am very careful with my car and dont like to have it dirty but when I got it back from Rob it was all full of gress all over the car with hand prints the inside looked like I have never cleaned it in a year and my car was only there 1 day, when i took it in the car was spot less even Rob asked me if I just clay bar my car. I wish my camera worked so I could have took some pictures. And as a bonus he drilled 4 holes in my trunk for the NOS bottle so now I dont have a perfict body thanks to him and the sad part is I did not notice this untill it was already done. I should have never come back after that but I though that at least the work was going to get done right and he know what he was doing I was stupid to think this. And befor I forget when I got home I could not open the motor window hatch so I had to take this panels in the back on the driver seat off to notice that he did not put the wire that pulled to open the hatch back on so it did not pull.

First off, the car came in clean as a wissle and should have left that way. I was unaware of any grease prints and would not have left that way if i had seen them, i would have cleaned them off. Ask Gene, NSXB, his car comes in spotless, leaves spotless.

I did the install for Milton's NOS kit with 3 custome switches since he did not have any switches or wiring. Usually the RM NOS kit comes with 2 switches and is activated by the horn button. Since Milton did not want to use the horn, we wired it up to the windshield washer squrt button.

Milton original mounted his NOS bottle bracket to the back of his trunk with 2 sided sticky tape. It was firm, but would not have held lateral g forces from a turn or a colision force if the car got into an accident. This tank with 10lbs of NOS weights about 25lbs and it was my profeshional duty to mount a compressed explosive bottle of Nitrous Oxide securely to the car's body with bolts and nuts. I even opted out of using the usual metal secrews as an extra pre caution that in the even of strong lateral g forces from turns and or an accidnet, the bottle did not brake lose from its mounts and become a projectile.

Anyother shop which would agree to securing a 25lb NOS tank to in the trunk with 2 sided sticky tape is un profeshional and is neglegent in their job.

I assure you, it would have been much easier and would have saved 1 hour of free labor i put into drilling and mounting the NOS tank brackets by using the sticky tape you provided me with. If i installed NOS on my NSX, this would be the way i would do it and would not do it any different for a customer's car.

The total for this install came out to be about $510 which included wiring the complete system, custom wiring the NOS to the windshiled wiper swtich, 2 safety switch, drilling & mounting the NOS bottle. The install was clean and proper, no lose wires hanging out, everything was tucked in nicely and looks oem.

Also had the car on the dyno for 1 hour.

You can shop around for price, i believe it is reasonable for 6 hours of work including one hour on the dyno ( 150/hour if i tune, this fee is universal amoungst all tuning shops on a dyno)

third day I was there at 7 cause thats the time we aggred to be there but he shows up at 8:30 1 and a half hours late cause he ran out of gas. then he start to work on another car for about 20 minutes then finaly he gets to my car. he puts in the fuel pump and I am watiching him do it because I want it done and I am at this point not to happy with his shop. So once he is done he says its still not rich enough and that I will need cooler sparkplugs. Then he says " If you would have done your resurch you would have known that you need this" . So basically he is telling me the costemer that I should know how to do what I am paying him to do since he is the so called expert on this. So acording to him it is basicaly my fault he did not just get all the stuff I needed for my NOS kit to work the way it should. So I just took my car again all full of gress and looking like i dont clean it.So by now I have cleand the car 2 times and when I clean it I make sure that its spot less and that takes time.

Yes my car did run out of gas, its a gas hog and i was there by 8am. We chatted and the customer at no time made any suggestion he was in a rush to do go anyway where since I advised him that dropping the tank on an NSX is time consuming.

The Pump i put in was a Warlbro 255LPH pump which we agreed would cost 150$ + the labor of the install.

I completed the tank install which took about 5 hours.

I then proceded to put the car on the dyno. We ran the car on the dyno and initally, the car was reading lean at about 13:1.

Taking this information that the dyno gave me, if i was to use nos or advise the customer to do so, the car would run lean and once again, it would not be responsible of me to give the car the OK.

I disconnected the nos main injector and under nos activation, the nos bleed off line was able to get the A/F to 9:1 10:1 which would be in the safe range for NOS activation.

Once again, we spent one hour on the dyno.

I went ahead to advise the customer that in order to use nos, you need to at least drop the injectors by 1 heat range to prevent detonation.

At this time, the customer was up said and said that if he was aware of how much this would have costed, he would not have purchased the NOS kit and would have not installed it .... etc.

At that point i advised the customer that in order to safely use nos, these upgrades are messary and secondly that as the customer, before under taking such a big upgrade, more research should have been done in to the cost of install, additional supporting mods and what tuning was nessary to use NOS safely.

I was not consulted before the NOS kit was purchase and thus i could not walk the customer through the nessary parts/supporting mods required.

Also the bill for the day came out to 546$ which INCLUDED the 255LPH Warbro FUEL pump ( 150$), the complete install (5 hours) + one hour on the dyno.

When it was time to sattle up, Milton just said. " I WANT TO PAY $500."

To be honest, i was shocked since this has never happened. I though he did not understand the extent of the work done, parts, and time inputted.

So i sat him down again and broke it down piece by piece.

$325 - 5 hours of install at 65$/hour (most nsx shops charge 95$. i charge $65 because i think this is what is fair)
$150 - Walbro fuel pump which he cost he was aware and we came to consensus about.
$150 - 1 hour on the dyno with me tuning at 150/hour

which would have been 625+tax.

He looked bummed so i took 80$ off the bill since hey, 80$ didnt mean much to me if he walked away feeling a little better.

So even after explaining this to him that i really put in a discount of 80$ because i felt bad for him, he said, i want to pay $500. :confused:

Well, he is the customer and he is ways right. So i agreed and took 500$ for 5 hours of install, 1 hour on the dyno and a 255LPH high flow fuel pump and taxed included.

Through out this whole process, I always felt i was getting pushed to "pump" this car out asap with out regard to quality. Out of the 30+ NSX customers i have built a good working relationship with, this is the first one which push if not commanded me to put an enphasis on speed and not quality of work.

I opened this shop because i enjoy working on NSX, i have two of my own and would like to bring reasonable prices to ownership and thus put my money where my mouth is to provide a service to the nsx community.

I am operating this shop at a loss because i love working and not because i have to work on them to put food on my table. With this said, i do get some perks which is a place to put my dyno, tune my own cars and acturally have quit a few cars of my own that i need storage space for :biggrin:

I should have never gone there since I dont like incompitance like I told Rob and he says He does not like it also, but the way I see it we have a completly diferent defenision of incompitance. The day I was there all day I notice how he did not really car for my car since he use to just lean on it any use gloves full of oil and gress to touch the paint and inside the car. I thought he put gloes on to keep the car clean but he puts them to keep his hands clean not the car. As I talk to him and joke around and told him that I was not to happy about his work and I am going to put it on prime he would say how he did this as a hobby not a job so he really did not care. when he told me that I was already on my way out and just wanted him to put the feul tank back in so i could get out. but when he was done he wanted to dyno it to see if it was rich so I could use the NOS kit. But it was not and acording to him it was my fault cause I should have done more resurch.

So I called Autowave the place that I always take the 2 NSX's we have and the place I should have from the start like I was going to but since people on this site were saying Rob's work was great I went to Speed Oracle . So I am going to take my car to the real experts that I have never once had a problem with cause they get the job done right and dont BS me and tell me I should have resuch what I am paying them to do. They are going to look over what Rob did to make sure he did not mess anything up.they will actually get my NOS kit to the point were I could use it not just have it in the car but cant shot. So once Autowave get my set up to work right and they tell me what he did not do to make this be safe and done right I will up date. My car is not at Autowave yet but I will post updates when its there. But at least Rob did not blow my motor since NOS was never use on it. there was more stuff I did not like but I dont want to make this a really long story.

So if you are like me and want to have things done right by people that will take care and return your car better than befor I would not take it to Speed Oracle.

Rob as a person is a nice guy but I dont trust him on my car no more.

this post is to tell you guys about my experiance with Speed Oracle so if you like that shop keep going there but at least people like me who like to feel like there are in good hands and want to job done right don't have to deal with what I did.

Its a shame to see that you felt this way. The reason why NOS was NOT used dispute the time and time you pushed and preasured me to use it was because it would not be responsible for me to do things improperly.

I honestly believe we have two different style here. I perfer things to be done right and proper. I give people good rates and drop the price when I believe it will make them happy. If the part/install is not good enough for my NSX, its definitly is not good enough for any NSX.

You push for a hasty job, ask for discount when one is already given.

I believe fair is fair. I have treated you and everyone i have dealt with in a fair and just manner. Im just disapointed that you felt this way...

btw telling me your only going to pay 500$ was pretty insulting concidering i was undercharing, already gave you a discount.. :biggrin:

hey, you cant please everyone but i sure try. I have many NSX owners on the forum that have nothing but good things to say about my service and reasonable prices. I do this because i love to, not because i have to. When your making money doing something you love, thats one thing, its a completely different thing to take a loss and contunue because you love what you do.

anyways, good luck to you and your car.

warm regard & happy motoring! :smile:

I just post this for people to see what I had to go though and if they want to deal with this than go ahead I really don't care. All I know is that the car is in the right place now and thanks to Autowave I will have my car back soon and it will be done right. I don't want to make this into a big thing but if you want I could ask and see what you did wrong with the instul and post it.

I just can't belive how you are lieing about the car being in the same way it was given to you. But that your problem and soon people will see.

I just got a e-mail from robert.

"next time you need to do a performance upgrade.

do you research. only someone who know nothing would think that you can slap on a nos tank on a stock nsx and shoot it.

if you did any research, you would have found out that you need cooler plugs also along with fuel pump + install costs.

if you dont have the money, dont drive the car.

do it right or dont do it at all.

enjoy your nsx, you a real winner.


So people you will see if you are not happy with his work he will call you a "real winner". So if you take your car there you should know what you are going to pay him to know so he could do it right.

I think Robert has no idea what people pay other people to do things. If I know all this I would have done it myself.

On the second e mail he just send me this weekend he called me "a cry baby". LOL

But like you say Robert people like your work so why even bother with me since sooner or later they will see how you are right and I am wrong.
OK the bolts you put in I could just pull out with my hand . I could go to a meet and show every one how bad that was the tape is holing it more that the bolts. plus you scratch the inside of the trunk when you drilled it.

I dont have a problem with paying when done right just ask autowave. I have spent around 20k with them on the 2 nsx's cause they get this done right.

I am really happy that I will get my car this week back fom autowave. So that will be really cool.
So I got my car back and better than ever thanks again to Autowave. Shane like always was giving me a updates on my car and had it set up right.
They put in a FMS, RC injectors, cooler sparkplugs ect that make the NOS system work safly and right. Very happy with results. Unlike Robert at SpeedOricle who now sends me PM telling me "you are the worst customer ever" "what a cry baby" "enjoy your nsx, you a real winner" and "if you dont have the money, dont drive the car.". I would like to post all the email he send me but you get the idea how he is acting now.

Well the numbers are.you ready?
base no NOS 280hp to the wheel. <--that is 10 more than befor. very cool
With NOS 344hp to the wheel. <----- thats what you get when you have it done right. this is not even a 100shot its about 70 shot.

I just wanted to forget about SpeedOricle and let it die but when you get PM from Robert telling you that you are idiot in not so many words I feel that people should know about his way of acting. So Rob just keep on doing your thing cause like you clam people love your work. so don't bother with me I am just one unhappy costomer that has no money and crys alot and is a real winner. Plus you say you hav 10 years experiance right and you are 23 years old you say or 25 years old. So people do the math.

But to go on a positive side the car runs really great and looks great also. So what is next for the vampnsx only time will tell but most likly just cosmetic thing since I am very happy with the power it has now and the fact that I could press the botton and make it faster its just even better.
