My quest begins....

22 July 2001
Bethlehem, PA
Hello everyone. I've been reading these boards for a while now, and even made a few posts here and there, but I've never really introduced myself. I figured now would be a good time, with this new forum and all.
I've always been a big fan of the NSX, but my obsession has grown exponentially since I found NSXPrime. There's really no car that excites me as much as an NSX, and its great to see so many other people that are so enthusiatic about their cars.
Just a little about me, I'm originally from the Pittsburgh area, I recently graduated from Penn State with a degree in Computer Engineering, and now I'm working in the Lehigh Valley area (about an hour northeast of Philadelphia). So I guess you could say I've been slowly migrating across Pennsylvania... and I'm getting dangerously close to New Jersey.
Anyway, if there's anyone out there in the Philly or Pittsburgh areas, get in touch, I'd love to get together sometime and talk NSX's.
Being a recent college grad, it will probably be at least a year before I can afford an NSX- possibly more if I make the smart move and buy a house first. Its just so tempting to go for the NSX, especially when I know I could probably afford payments on an earlier year model. Such a tough decision... I guess I'm just lucky to have a "dilemma" like this, especially when so many of my friends are still searching for jobs.
Well alright, I think this introduction is long enough. I'm sure you're all sick of hearing from NSX wannabe's by now
, but thanks for your time. I'm looking forward to being a part of your community!
To cxr344,

Congratulations on graduating college. As a recent graduate myself, just across the border at Rutgers University, I can relate to your eagerness to purchase an nsx. I was going to wait a lil longer before I jumped the gun on the nsx i eventually bought but couldn't resist the deal. ($47k for a 97, red, certified w/25k miles) My advice to you is to take your time and do your homework when purchasing one (I researched a lot). I still miss the experience of looking on autotrader and ebay and thinking that this nsx or that nsx would be mine one day.

Although I am fairly new to this website also, I can tell you that they are a well-informed, mature, and friendly group of enthusiasts who would be delighted to help "wannabees become newbies". I wish you the best of luck in your search and hope that one day you can extend to a hopeful the same regard.

Thanks for the encouragement. I've actually been reading this site for a while, I just haven't posted much. It definitely sounds like you got a great deal though, especially when you consider that some low mileage '91's have been going for close to $40k. I guess that's just another tough choice I'll have to make at some point; whether I should go for an early year NSX as soon as I can afford it, or wait a bit longer and get a '97 or later. Its funny, I spend so much time thinking about stuff like this, when in reality I won't even have to make these decisions anytime in the near future. Such is the life of an NSX addict, I suppose...