My new Skirts

9 September 2000
Thousand Oaks, Ca.

My new one off custom side skirts just for me!
Sorry Johnathan, I photoshopped the picture as an attempt on an April Fools prank for the forum but failed to catch anyones attention. But also to represent what I like about the Marga Hills side skirts over the Wings West skirts.

Oh what the hell....I was board. OK I admit it.

It does look good though dosn't it. I like the replication of the side vent on the car rather than the NASA type duct on the Wings West skirts and it kinda has the look of the Lambo Mura side ducts. Just my opinion, I do like the W.W. skirts just not as much as the M.H. (wow look at me juggle)
no flames from you WW guys now! Although I probably deserve it.

I had been wanting to photoshop the Marga Hills skirts onto my car for a while as I am on the fence about purchasing a set and the opportunity just came conveniently on the 1st. I like this look enough to try to make a prototype to create a mold from, if I could only find the time ( and knew how to go about it). I think the M.H. skirts may be a bit too bulky for a car without wide fenders.

Does anyone have the know how on making molds to cast a fiberglass panel like this?