My new S2K

2 April 2004
Austin, TX
So on a sad note, not 3 days into the ownership on this car and I have given myself a good reason to join PETA. I donated my right rear suspension and wheel to a curb to save a cat's life. We hit it at about 30 mph, so the damage isn't as bad as some curb-surfing damage I've seen. Myself and the passenger are fine, but the car has sustained a little injury. The wheel edge cracked right where the spoke meets (but the tire didn't bust), the lower control arm snapped quite cleanly, the rotor snapped in half, the heatshield for the hub knuckle bent a bit, and the endlink for the sway bar came clean off.

I'm impressed that the trailing arm was unscathed and the remainder of the suspension seemed to be fine. I'll start the teardown on the car tomorrow morning to do a proper inspection to really see what I'm looking at. I've already initiated a claim with my insurance company, and they're going to follow up with me tomorrow morning. I had the car towed to my dealer and will have them get the process started, being that they open at 7 (and I go in at 8:30).

I took a couple pics on my brother's camera, so I don't have them in my possession yet. He'll email them to me tonight. Just curious, is this a sign?

Here are a couple shots from the phone to hold us over:


I think I need a camber kit...
Wow.....sorry to hear an animal person, I would have done the same thing.
Thank you for doing the right think. I would have done the same. To many people seem to think animals on the road are just good sport. I would wreck my car beofre hitting any animal. Thank you and good luck with the repair.
you call that curbing! sheesh, amateur. . .

Generally it's stated by road & highway safety officials it's 'better' to hit the animal in the path of the vehicle than to try an emergency evasive manuever as that then can cause a cascade of dangerous events involving others on the roadway whether pedestrian or driving. I assume their insight is based on that property is repairable/replacable, but human life isn't.

Before the P.E.T.A. Nazi's go medieval on my arse, I also try to avoid any/all road-faring creatures... it's a rather unsavory feeling afterwards knowing you pancake'd an innocent (presumably) animal.

An interesting question would be, what do you feel at the very moment you encounter an animal encroaching your path of movement on a roadway while you're at speed? I do a subtle flinch and attempt an evasive manuever. I'm sure there are also the types who grin and say, bring it on b*tch!
kurt_bradley said:
So on a sad note, not 3 days into the ownership on this car and I have given myself a good reason to join PETA.

Just don't tell them that the car has leather seats:-) On a serious note, I would have done the same thing, especially to save a cat.

Re: too bad, but good job

Ojas said:
That’s too bad Kurt, but I’m sure I would have done the same - just intincts.

Yeah. Most of us would have done the same thing. I guess all that driving instruction and I still can't avoid a cat and a curb at the same time.
the rear end has a tendancy to kick out on throttle lift in curves.
So we did the estimate on the car:

Lower control arm, rotor and backing plate, endlink, wheel + tire, possibly the knuckle and bearing.

Total: $1475 parts, labor, and tax. (at customer-pay pricing )

Parts are on the way and should be in on Thursday. I have to order the tires tomorrow. I should be rolling again on Friday, being that the labor time is only 5.5 hours including the alignment.
lookin' for more honda products...

Kurt, where are you now? I do recall you leaving Sterling Acura a year or so ago.

What kinda deductable did you have on your comprehensive/collision policy? It's eye-opening in that how much 'unseen' damage can cost... I can totally relate! :frown:
Re: lookin' for more honda products...

Osiris_x11 said:
Kurt, where are you now? I do recall you leaving Sterling Acura a year or so ago.

What kinda deductable did you have on your comprehensive/collision policy? It's eye-opening in that how much 'unseen' damage can cost... I can totally relate! :frown:

I'm back at DMD. My deduct is 500. The damage was pretty simple. It was exactly what I expected. Thankfully, I only hit at around 30 mph, so the damage was easier on the structure. I took no body damage and the trailing arm is fine. In other words, I got kind of lucky.
I forgot to post up the carnage:

Anyone who's better with PS than me could be awesome and make an avatar for me using the pic of me pointing at the wreckage.
Busted-up y0!

Wow, that’s some busted-up Honda you got there. Here are some avatar-size images for you...


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Re: Busted-up y0!

Ojas said:
Wow, that’s some busted-up Honda you got there. Here are some avatar-size images for you...

Thanks. I'm picking it up around lunchtime today. I guess I at least walk away with this with a couple upgrades to the car: New tires, brake pads, alignment, and a rechecked suspension. I'm out of pocket for the front tires that I decided to go ahead and replace while the car was sitting there. This is one of the times you really appreciate working for the dealer. What the estimate sent to my claims adjuster says and what my actual cost on these items comes out to (not to mention my labor cost, seeing that I also assisted in this one) are 2 separate things.