My New NSX

27 August 2004
Boulder, Co
Hi, Im new to this forum and I just bought a '91 Red NSX. I really love it, its in perfect condition and only has 35k miles on it. It has been my dream car ever since I can remember and I got really lucky to have it at this age (im 19 years old). I just thought I would share my excitment with everyone. :)
Congrats and welcome to the club! It's a great feeling to finally get your dream car. I remember when the NSX first came out and I told all my high school friends that I would have one by our 10-year reunion. My reunion is this Novemeber and I can't wait to roll up in my baby!
Hey wolf im 19 too. Nice to have somebody my age around.
Geezer alert


When I was 19 I had a 1960 Rambler (two tone :rolleyes: ) with a massive 108hp inline six and 130000 miles on it. It got better gas mileage than oil mileage. What a babe magnet.

And by the way we did not have feet back then. So we could not even walk to school both ways uphill.

Congrats on the car. Respect it. Don't do crazy s(*& like the rest of us did at that young age........
Yeah, congratulations - But please be careful with that car -tickets, accidents, etc., you have a greater responsibility when driving cars like the NSX - to demonstrate to the poor (as in feel sorry they don't have one) motoring public how one is supposed to drive a nice car.
Congrats on the NSX. Enjoy it, and remember to post some pics for us to see. :)
The NSX just got totaled. A lady was speeding and ran a 4 way stop and...totaly crushed it. She was in a toyota 4runner and her car pushed mine across the road and onto the sidewalk. Her car was ontop of mine. Im ok, but really shaken up and Im very sad. Im lucky to be alive though and if i had a passenger they would have been dead. The front wheel is pretty much in the seat.

1) If this is for real I'm glad you were not injured.

2) If this is for real I think you totally own the record for the shortest ownership and destruction of a rare automobile.

3) If this is for real does anyone wonder why Insurance rates are the way they are for young drivers?
Yes its real and its not my fault so insurance shouldnt be an issue. It has nothing to do with my age.
Re: Huh?

Inexcess said:
1) If this is for real I'm glad you were not injured.

2) If this is for real I think you totally own the record for the shortest ownership and destruction of a rare automobile.

3) If this is for real does anyone wonder why Insurance rates are the way they are for young drivers?

How old was the lady? It may be a age thing, but the opposite of what the previous poster said. I think you at 19 are at your peak for being an aware driver. It sucks that others on the road (mostly elderly) are the real hazzards on the roads. You are lucky my man, now get that ins check and get another one!
Re: Huh?

Inexcess said:
3) If this is for real does anyone wonder why Insurance rates are the way they are for young drivers?

If this is for real, does anyone bother reading the fact that the lady ran a stop sign and hit him, and the same thing could have happened to YOU and your remark never would have been made?
Yes, Im already looking for another one :) I hope i can get one that is in such good condition, but it seems like most people keep them really nice. Ill post pics of the accedent monday.
Sorry to hear about the NSX.
Happy to hear you are ok.

In order to prevent your totalled car to reappear with a "clean" title in a few months/years, please share with us your NSX's VIN. This way you will help another future NSX owner.

take care
Re: Huh?

Meeyatch1 said:
If this is for real, does anyone bother reading the fact that the lady ran a stop sign and hit him, and the same thing could have happened to YOU and your remark never would have been made?

So when do posts on a forum from someone no one knows suddendly be taken as "fact". Think about the odds of a brand new 19 yr old owner totaliing the car the first day he has it. Think about the odds of a "lady" running a stop sign and no ticket is written. Think about the odds that this is pure BS. I like those odds.
Damn dude thats cold. All i know is the first day i got MY nsx i was super careful and didnt even try to go fast. I for one believe him.
Listen, ill show you the pics monday and you can tell me how she could have stopped and started up again and hit me with that much force ok? I cant help that you are stereo typing me because of my age and it seems somewhat immature. I have gotten all but negative comments from the people in this community and its unfortunate that there is always someone like you that has some ass comment. Please dont reply to my thread if you dont have anything nice to say. As for the rest of you I appreciate your sympathy. Thank you.
Remember the new rating/reputation the user system here on Prime?
Well it's easy to use, just click on the icon of the old fashion scale weighing thinghy in the bottom left corner of anyones post. this will cause a persons reputation to go up or down, you decide.If someone makes a BS reply/post, use the system.

Use the system with intellect, not emotion.



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Sorry to hear about your unfortunate mishap Wolf. - glad that no-one was hurt though. It's only metal & can be replaced, so best of luck finding something just as nice, or even better.
skyguy said:
.... just click on the icon of the old fashion scale weighing thinghy in the bottom left corner of anyones post. this will cause a persons reputation to go up or down, you decide.If someone makes a BS reply/post, use the system.....
Thanks for explaining the symbol skyguy - I see it now - I wondered what a snowflake (which is what the icon looks like to me) had to do with a reputation rating! LOL!