8 November 2001
Ok ,
typical Tuesday eve and I decided to have a big ol' bowl of cereal.

If I could manufacture for all the
"kids" type cereal companies.

JUST THE MILK!! Thats right. Just the milk.From when you get to the end of the cereal.

Captain Crunch "Peanut Butter"
Captain Crunch "With the berries"
Count Chocula
Fruity Pebbles
Apple Jax
Golden Grahams
Cinnamin Toast Crunch
Cookie Crisp

Just a thought....

Post either "thumbs up"/"thumb down"

Or post your weird idea/invention.

Originally posted by MYNSX:
JUST THE MILK!! Thats right. Just the milk.From when you get to the end of the cereal.

Uhhh what would they do with all that mushy cereal after they've made the flavored milk?
Bill, I like the idea. You could even use the milk to make cereal flavored yogurt, or ice cream

(Even though soy milk is my "milk" of choice, and my favorite dessert is Green Tea ice cream. YUM!!)

[This message has been edited by PHOEN$X (edited 04 December 2002).]
Originally posted by PHOEN$X:
Bill, I like the idea. You could even use the milk to make cereal flavored yogurt, or ice cream

(Even though soy milk is my "milk" of choice, and my favorite dessert is Green Tea ice cream. YUM!!)

[This message has been edited by PHOEN$X (edited 04 December 2002).]

The ice cream sounds good.
I bet it would sell.

Here's a off season idea for all the outdoor contractors who are slow in the winter.

What about a "hanging holiday lights svc"? Put 'em up and take 'em down. If the volume's there, even rent the lights too.

I know most people don't like to do it, I know I don't. All I can do to get an Xmas tree home.

Well? Is this original or does this type of service already exist?
Around here, wealthy people already pay professionals to decorate their homes for the holidays (including lights). But your idea might be a good one for the average joe though, if it was cheap enough..
we had a news report here last week that some folks are paying $2500-$8000 to have their houses and lawns decorated, and there's more demand than can be filled. the business owner they interviewed said he is turning away any job less than $5k.

at those prices, i could take a couple weeks vacation and earn some new headers, exhaust, springs...

94 black/tan
HEY HEYYYY!!! Sounds like I'm on to something!

I may be a resource for all of you who store your NSX's to pick up some extra dough if I can convince people Santa's sleigh is really a disguised NSX. After all, it takes a pretty fast mover to get around the world in one night. Rudolph needs help!
MYNSX: If you wanna make money, i think u should stick to modding NSX's and selling them. Hell, i'd buy one of your NSX's (so long as u hadn't "driven it like u stole it"

Even Honda themselves are modelling the <A HREF="">NSX-R</A> colour scheme to look like your yellow NSX!!!

You the Daddy!!!!!!!

[This message has been edited by NeoNSX (edited 07 December 2002).]