My first NSX - what should I pay


New Member
6 March 2007
First of all, I appreciate everyone on Prime for the knowledge base that is passed along. I am looking to purchase an early NSX 91 to 94. In my research, the prices seem to be all over the board for these. My question is, in your opinion, what should I pay for an all records, well maintained, early model coupe with under 75k miles on it?
27-30k depending on how up to date all maintainance is and how eager the seller is to sell and you to buy.
c9c: docjohn's response is quite broad and rightfully so. The answer could be one word "depends" because there is so much variability in the condition of the car that impacts price. Do a search on this forum as "what should I pay" has been frequently discussed. Maybe check out posts by tbromley as he has provided much commentary on this subject. Good luck in your search and purchase....
Doc Johns answer is short and sweet and right on point. You can find em for less but they won't be well maintained. Best advice anyone can give you is buy the best example you can find and the latest model you can find in your budget range and just sit back and start looking. It's fairly simple and when you find a particular car we'll all tell you what we think you should do.
I used the following thread to make m purchase....

I paid more for what I thought was a super clean car, with all history dating back to the day it was purchased, and I even called previous owners and asked them about the car.

I found that since they had no vested interest in the sale they gave an honest opinion. I found a cheaper one on but decdied to not do it because the previous owner didnt do the timing belt. IMO if he didnt do something as obvious and important as a timing belt the other maint. was probably not taken care of either.

Also, dont feel like you are being a pest, ask for everything prior to making your purchase. They want to sell it to you more than you want to buy it.. trust me. Be persistant and investigate every little thing until you feel you made the best decision you could.

That will MINIMIZE your out of pocket repairs, but not eliminate them. As I found out some parts on a 13 year old car are going to fail no matter how well the car was taken care of. I just got the car and replaced the Clutch master and slave cylinder at a total cost of 660 bucks. And that was with a super clean car. Imagine what is lurking with a car with substandard history!!!!!

Thanks everyone. I will check out the other posts. I am looking at one with the VIN of 91NSX....JH4NA1152MT000765. He is asking 24k with 70k miles on it. He claims to have all the maintenance with timing belt, clutch already changed.

He claims that it is flawless. Anyone seen this car?
First of all, I appreciate everyone on Prime for the knowledge base that is passed along. I am looking to purchase an early NSX 91 to 94. In my research, the prices seem to be all over the board for these. My question is, in your opinion, what should I pay for an all records, well maintained, early model coupe with under 75k miles on it?

Welcome! Good Luck on your search. Lots of good info in the wiki. Select "All Pages" and spend some time perusing this.

I agree with Doc... $27K-$30K if all the maintenance is up to date and has accident free history and everything checks out.

Thanks everyone. I will check out the other posts. I am looking at one with the VIN of 91NSX....JH4NA1152MT000765. He is asking 24k with 70k miles on it. He claims to have all the maintenance with timing belt, clutch already changed.

He claims that it is flawless. Anyone seen this car?

Thats interesting when the car books for $28K. Unless he is in a hurry to sell. If the car is "flawless" then I look for a respray. It should have some rock chips in the paint.

I found this thread using a search with the VIN here on Prime. Not much help.
Thanks everyone. I will check out the other posts. I am looking at one with the VIN of 91NSX....JH4NA1152MT000765. He is asking 24k with 70k miles on it. He claims to have all the maintenance with timing belt, clutch already changed.

He claims that it is flawless. Anyone seen this car?

Sounds like a deal worth looking into! Get the number off the transmission and check it to be sure it's not in the snap ring range - most likely it is not since there have been no problems after 70k miles. Could be a good one. I like the price.....if it all checks out that is. Have a ppi - pre purchase inspection done by a good mechanic unless you are a good DIYer and familiar with these cars. Good luck.
I used the following thread to make m purchase....

Also, dont feel like you are being a pest, ask for everything prior to making your purchase. They want to sell it to you more than you want to buy it.. trust me. Be persistant and investigate every little thing until you feel you made the best decision you could.


Go with the Attitude that you don't have to have this car. And most of all be patient. You'll find the right one, now since I am looking for the same year range, stay away from the cars I am looking at...LoL Good Luck in your search though.
I used the following thread to make m purchase....

I paid more for what I thought was a super clean car, with all history dating back to the day it was purchased, and I even called previous owners and asked them about the car.

I found that since they had no vested interest in the sale they gave an honest opinion. I found a cheaper one on but decdied to not do it because the previous owner didnt do the timing belt. IMO if he didnt do something as obvious and important as a timing belt the other maint. was probably not taken care of either.

Also, dont feel like you are being a pest, ask for everything prior to making your purchase. They want to sell it to you more than you want to buy it.. trust me. Be persistant and investigate every little thing until you feel you made the best decision you could.

That will MINIMIZE your out of pocket repairs, but not eliminate them. As I found out some parts on a 13 year old car are going to fail no matter how well the car was taken care of. I just got the car and replaced the Clutch master and slave cylinder at a total cost of 660 bucks. And that was with a super clean car. Imagine what is lurking with a car with substandard history!!!!!


when was this wiki made on ? iam thinkin the prices have gone down a bit since then...
Yeah, dont jump at the chance to own it, cuz it might put you in the poor house, have you considered how much Insurance will be a month? has the TB/WP been done, clutch?? is there any left? and if you decide on getting an Automatic NSX then dont post any pics. we dont like them LOL. pointless to even get it.

but seriously wait and wait, till the right one finds you, you will have to look and look and look cuz there are guys on here that have been looking for years for the right one.

My suggestion is keep saving your money till you get to 40K and then your options will expand to more selections
That sounds like a fantastic deal if everything checks out. I just recently paid 28k for a '93 with 74k miles on it. Fully documented, new TB / Clutch.

There are always ongoing costs of having such an old car of course, just last month my amp on my center speaker went and I am thinking of getting my hoses done pre-emptively ahead of the NSXPO. That's about $1000-1500 right there.
Yeah me to I am gonna do the hoses myself before NSXPO IM driving from FL to Vegas. tb/wp valve adjustment done, doing the AC belt and Alt belt today just gotta pick up the parts from the dealer at 2pm. new tires right before NSXPO. and redoing my leather next month, some $change$ is going into this event though. and I am also going for the hell of it replace my ALT and AC compressor then the car will be ready for NSXPO, but I dont know how much money I will have left to BET on for craps/ slot machines. LOL

Might have to sleep in my car LOL yikes hey thats a good thread to start
" has anyone ever slept over night in there NSX and how did their back feel in the morning?"
Now you tell me? LOL

I used it to justify my purchase....

now I feel like I grabbed my ankles and.. well, you get the idea


when was this wiki made on ? iam thinkin the prices have gone down a bit since then...
when was this wiki made on ? iam thinkin the prices have gone down a bit since then...

Hate to say but the last time I looked at that wiki stuff I found it most....shall we say ....hopeful. In other words a bit unrealistic but then it was developed by someone using, imho, Kelley and the other published sources and an NSX owner and a bit biased. They aren't the prices being reflected by todays market nor by the recent purchases made by folks on Prime. Wouldn't put too much stock in Wiki as far as pricing goes; again my opinion- take it for what it's worth.
Remember also that WHEN the timing belt service was done is just as important as IF. If they say "yeah it was done" it could've been 10 years ago in which case it is well overdue for another change.
Honestly you can refer to the wiki nsx pricing range to get an idea.....but when it comes down to it then it really comes down to how bad do you want that car.....if its a clean, low mileage, and well maintained car then its up to you to fork out the money or gamble on waiting for another one like that to come up in the way you want it.

27-33k is about right for something around that mileage. Even 33k is a deal when you find a clean and low mileage car.
The guy claims he has all the paperwork from all the owners. The TB and Clutch was done around 55k miles. The problem with this is that this guy is not the most helpful individual and is not detailed in his descriptions when asked. He just claims the car is perfect without a scratch.
well with 75K on the clock, I am sure if the TB/wp was done at 60K then I am sure he will have the paperwork to prove it, if he " Lost it or cant find it" Walk hes hiding something from you. maybe more than you know
...and if you decide on getting an Automatic NSX then dont post any pics. we dont like them LOL. pointless to even get it...

Come on Shawn....why would you say something like that? Everybody has their own ideas of what they want, and just because YOU don't want an automatic does not mean they are pointless. What if you were in an auto accident and shattered your left knee, had multiple surgeries but only regained about 50% strength in your knee. Now when you drive you can get in about 10 clutch depresses before your leg is in too much pain and just plain worn out from trying to shift....would you then think an auto is pointless or would you just give up the NSX altogether? What about the owner who is in bumper to bumper traffic all day long? What if they just love the look and feel of the car driving and don't car if it isn't the fastest car on the road....and just want to drive it? Are they not worthy of owning a NSX? Just food for thought, that's all. However, I will never shun, judge, nor make fun of an Automatic NSX (or any other sportscar) owner.

ediddynsx said:
Honestly you can refer to the wiki nsx pricing range to get an idea.....but when it comes down to it then it really comes down to how bad do you want that car.....if its a clean, low mileage, and well maintained car then its up to you to fork out the money or gamble on waiting for another one like that to come up in the way you want it.

+1 We can give you all sorts of ideas, and put you in the ballpark, but at the end of the day, every deal has it's own special circumstances, and you are talking about purchasing a car of which only 8900 in 15 years landed on US soil. The makes ownership a pretty exclusive club to begin with, and if you find exactly what you are looking for, and low mileage.....what are the odds of finding it again? So really, it is ultimately up to YOU to decide what it is you are willing to pay to have ownership of a pretty rare (and pretty damn awesome) automobile.
Take your time and set a price limit. I spent well over a year looking and researching. The previous owner of mine was very forthcoming and had all of the records going back throught the previous owner also. He gave me the name and # of the dealer he used for his sevice work. He also told me the name of the tech and service writer that handled his car every time. He disclosed that some of the car had been repainted due to some severe scratches and even provided all of the reciepts and paperwork for the body work. Between that and the pics he sent me, I was so confident in the car that I made the bank transfer on the way down to pick it up. I do not regret the purchase one bit and have had two wonderful years of owning an amazing car. I plan on keeping it til I can't drive it anymore.
Yeah, dont jump at the chance to own it, cuz it might put you in the poor house, have you considered how much Insurance will be a month? has the TB/WP been done, clutch?? is there any left? and if you decide on getting an Automatic NSX then dont post any pics. we dont like them LOL. pointless to even get it.

but seriously wait and wait, till the right one finds you, you will have to look and look and look cuz there are guys on here that have been looking for years for the right one.

My suggestion is keep saving your money till you get to 40K and then your options will expand to more selections

It's not pointless to own an automatic nsx. It might not be some primers preference but surely not a pointless purchase.