My First Drive

2 May 2002
Ft. Lewis, WA
I met up with Phoen$x last night at the Scottsdale Pavillions car show. Now, going to a car show, I have to bring my son, since he is as much a car nut as I am.

After hanging out for a while and checking out a bunch of cars, Kelvin handed me his key and said "take your son for a spin in my car."

I was a little surprised by the gesture, as it's not everyday that someone lets you just take their car out for a spin and not ride with you. And I'm also not even in the market at the moment, so it's not like he's making a sales pitch. Anyway, this was certainly a rare opportunity.

What I gathered, though, both by this gesture and by previous conversations is that Kelvin is a pure enthusiast who likes to share in the joy of cool cars with other people who share that passion.

Needless to say, I took him up on his offer.

My son and I got in and we went for a short trip. Just a quick jaunt to the freeway, a couple of exits down, turned around and came back.

When I first got in, it was just a little cramped (I am 6'3, 240 lbs). Since I'm mostly torso, I need to have the seat a little forward compared to most people my height. With the seat all the way back, my head usually touches the liner. After adjusting the steering wheel, I was able to "sink" into the seat and reach the pedals just fine.

I also noticed that the pedals were kinda squished over to the right by comparison to other cars I've driven. It made me a little nervous that I might "fat foot" the pedals if I wasn't especially careful about my foot work.

First, by comparison to my own car (which is supposed to be about as quick as an NA2), the 3.0 pulled more smoothly and had impressive torque available in every gear. My first pull on the freeway on ramp I hit about 7 grand in first and second, and then shifted into third. I did not realize that I had already hit 85 by the time I was ready to merge. I let off the gas and noticed that the NSX sheds its speed quite well without needing to use the brakes (another part of the car that I did not want to explore at this time).

The second run through the gears was on the way back to the car show. I pulled up to about 7900 in first gear this time, paying particular attention to the engine sounds. It does sound sweet up past 5000. Definitely a noise to get enthusiastic about.

Driving the mid-engine lay out is very distinctive, too, as the sound of the engine itself is much more intense than the big V8 I have mounted up front (the engine itself sounds like a vacuum cleaner, even though the exhaust note is nice).

The non-power assisted steering is pure joy. The sharpness awesome. Since it was not my own car, and I was still very unfamiliar with it, I would not have been willing to experiment with the NSX's handling performance, so that aspect of the car's performance will have to be explored at a more appropriate time.

Overall, the car FEELS amazing. It's more like the car was built to be worn, rather than driven. It's tight inside, but not cramped... "Snug" might be a more appropriate word. And the seats hold onto their passengers nice and tight in a very reassuring way.

It was a real pleasure to drive this car, and I feel that I have taken the final step in my decision to (eventually) purchase one. I'm also happy to find out that even the stock NA1 offers enough performance to start off with.

And, honestly, even though red is my least favorite color for the car, after driving Kelvin's, I don't even care what color combination I end up with!
Great story
Met kelvin one time and from my only impression of him I am not surprised at all he would be so nice and welcoming

That's great now hit the marketplace here on prime cause their is lots of nice examples for sale
I don't now how many supercars you've driven, but the NSX's footwell slightly to the right is not bad at all, and quite large... Try a 1990's lotus... Or sit in a countache... It's like car was made for some sort of alien creature from space.
Cool story!
This helps illustrate why i just love this community. My experience this (first) year with fellow Primers has been amazing. Most other super car owners I've met haven't been so...what's the word...unpretentious perhaps, as NSX owners. I'm proud to be associated with you all.
Mark, I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed your first NSX drive, and I am honored to be the one to make it happen. You've been on the forum longer than I have, yet had not had the opportunity to experience driving an NSX, and I felt that needed to be rectified. Also, your son seemed a little shy at the car show, and I figured if anything could get him to feel more at ease around a bunch of car guys, it might be riding in a cool car like the NSX. :)

I was a bit concerned that my NSX wouldn't live up to your expectations after being on this site for so long and reading everyone else's praises. I think you were still chewing over the experience when you handed back the key. I'm relieved to read that your experience was a positive one.

I agree with TURBO that the NSX footwell space is pretty generous compared to a lot of exotic cars, in fact I believe one of the reasons the turning radius in NSXs isn't all that great is because Honda didn't want to intrude too much into that part of the cabin area. I have a buddy with a Firebird Ram Air of the same era as your Camaro, and I always notice the huge floor hump in the passenger compartment when I ride in that car. I was wondering if your son mentioned anything about the NSX not having that feature. :D
That's great now hit the marketplace here on prime cause their is lots of nice examples for sale

HA! I've been watching the market place for 10 years now. The price of an NSX just does not come down! But, as soon as I buy a house, the NSX is the next thing on my list.

I don't now how many supercars you've driven, but the NSX's footwell slightly to the right is not bad at all, and quite large... Try a 1990's lotus... Or sit in a countache... It's like car was made for some sort of alien creature from space.

Supercars? None, although, the NSX qualifies in some circles. The most comparable car I've driven was a 2000 996 Carrera, but it was a two-pedal car... so actually no comparison.

Nice gesture from him. It's cool of him to do that. He has 3 nsx, so if you crashed his car, he still has two :D

LOL! Even though I knew that, every NSX that gets damaged, in my opinion, is a tragic loss for the world of automotive enthusiasts. (Of course, I still was careful primarily because it was a borrowed object of passion).

Cool story!
This helps illustrate why i just love this community. My experience this (first) year with fellow Primers has been amazing. Most other super car owners I've met haven't been so...what's the word...unpretentious perhaps, as NSX owners. I'm proud to be associated with you all.

My sentiments as well.

Mark, I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed your first NSX drive, and I am honored to be the one to make it happen. You've been on the forum longer than I have, yet had not had the opportunity to experience driving an NSX, and I felt that needed to be rectified. Also, your son seemed a little shy at the car show, and I figured if anything could get him to feel more at ease around a bunch of car guys, it might be riding in a cool car like the NSX. :)

Love your choice of words there :biggrin: My boy is very shy at first, but once he finally warms up, he won't stop talking!

I was a bit concerned that my NSX wouldn't live up to your expectations after being on this site for so long and reading everyone else's praises. I think you were still chewing over the experience when you handed back the key. I'm relieved to read that your experience was a positive one.

I've actually been a little worried about the same thing till Saturday night. Especially with the recent horsepower wars in the auto industry. However, having driven some newer cars (most recently a 2012 Camaro SS), I'm not really impressed... the paddle shift on these newer autos is really a let down. And the shifter on the NSX is so smooth... by comparison to my car (which I have to shove into gear), the NSX feels like I could just flick it with my finger right into gear.

I agree with TURBO that the NSX footwell space is pretty generous compared to a lot of exotic cars, in fact I believe one of the reasons the turning radius in NSXs isn't all that great is because Honda didn't want to intrude too much into that part of the cabin area.

Well, my comment about the foot well was not so much a complaint as much as an observation. Any new car takes some getting used to. For the NSX, that is the feature that most stood out as an area that I would need to adapt to. No big deal, really. :wink: Also, part of the learning curve is getting the seat and steering wheel adjusted to best suit the driver. The positions I used the other night felt fine, but there may be a better set up for me than that (even with stock seats/wheel)... just takes some experimentation.:smile:

I have a buddy with a Firebird Ram Air of the same era as your Camaro, and I always notice the huge floor hump in the passenger compartment when I ride in that car. I was wondering if your son mentioned anything about the NSX not having that feature. :D

He didn't mention anything about the foot well, although, the first NSX I rode in had a sub woofer (or something) in that spot, and a very similar bulge in the same place as my car. He did tell me, and my wife, that he wants to get rid of the Camaro and get an NSX (the Camaro has always been his favorite car; even moreso since the Transformers movies came out). I'm glad we've got him on the same page now! :biggrin:
He did tell me, and my wife, that he wants to get rid of the Camaro and get an NSX (the Camaro has always been his favorite car; even moreso since the Transformers movies came out). I'm glad we've got him on the same page now! :biggrin:

Sweet! I'm glad we got him to see the light. :)
Bah, that's just his beater NSX. :wink: Thanks for sharing and very nice of him to offer up the experience.
Great story Mark. I'm glad you got to finally experience your first drive. Kudos to Kelvin. He is an awesome dude who would help anybody out with whatever. Keep telling Kelvin how ugly his red one is and maybe he will sell it to you one day. :biggrin:
Kelvin threw me the keys last week as well upon me only asking if I would fit in the car due to my height! :biggrin:

Has me now hunting for sale ads!